19 Dog Breeds to Avoid If You Want a Peaceful Home

Written By Jill Taylor

It goes without saying that choosing the right dog breed is crucial for you, your family, and the dog itself. No matter how cute they look, some breeds are known for being especially naughty or disruptive, which can lead to a lot of stress and irritation later down the line. To help ensure you make the right choice, this list covers 19 dog breeds you should steer clear of if you want a peaceful home environment.

Jack Russell Terrier

Photo Credit: alexei_tm/Shutterstock

Jack Russell Terriers are known for being super high energy and always on the move. While their owners may find this endearing, their need for constant physical and mental stimulation can lead to frequent barking and naughty antics, especially if you don’t give them enough exercise. The American Kennel Club notes that Jack Russells were originally bred for fox hunting, which explains their boundless energy and love for zoomies.


Photo Credit: SeventyFour/Shutterstock

Beagle owners rave about how friendly, laid-back, and curious their beloved companions can be. However, it’s important to be aware that these charming dogs also have strong hunting instincts that make them vocal and persistent barkers. Their keen sense of smell may also become distracting when they get the urge to follow scents, sometimes causing them to become restless and noisy.

Siberian Husky

Photo Credit: Sbolotova/Shutterstock

Many people affectionately refer to Huskies as the drama queens of the dog world, and for good reason. While they may be beautiful and intelligent, they’re also famous for their vocal and dramatic nature. They often howl and can be quite loud, especially if they are bored or don’t get enough exercise.

German Shepherd

Photo Credit: VAKS-Stock Agency/Shutterstock

We all know that German Shepherds are intelligent and protective, which is why they’re so often used in working roles that require alertness and vigilance. Their strong guarding instincts can lead to frequent barking at strangers or unusual noises. Ensuring a quiet home with a German Shepherd requires diligent training and plenty of exercise.

Border Collie

Photo Credit: ILya Soldatkin/Shutterstock

If you’ve ever owned a Border Collie, you’ll know that these dogs are super smart and have strong herding instincts, meaning they need lots of mental and physical activities. Without enough to keep them busy, they can get restless and get themselves into trouble.


Photo Credit: Volodymyr Burdiak/Shutterstock

Chihuahuas may be small, but they have huge personalities. They tend to be quite vocal and can bark a lot, especially when they feel threatened or excited. As you’d expect, their habit of barking at anything out of the ordinary can make it hard to maintain a quiet and peaceful home.


Photo Credit: Shedara Weinsberg/Shutterstock

Dachshunds have strong hunting instincts and can be very vocal. They often bark at strangers and any unusual sounds, which can make them far from an ideal choice for a quiet household. Their curious and energetic nature also means they need plenty of attention, and they might bark at you until you give it to them.

Australian Shepherd

Photo Credit: Liudmila Bohush/Shutterstock

If you live an active lifestyle, the highly intelligent and energetic Australian Shepherd might be the dog for you. However, they need regular physical and mental stimulation to keep from getting bored and noisy. Their herding instincts make them prone to chasing and barking, which can easily cause chaos in your home.

Yorkshire Terrier

Photo Credit: alexkatkov/Shutterstock

Despite their small size, Yorkshire Terriers are often vocal and bark to alert their owners to perceived threats like strangers or small animals. Their lively and yappy nature can make it challenging to keep a peaceful home, requiring patience and training.


Photo Credit: Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock

Boxers are playful balls of energy, so it’s no surprise that they need plenty of exercise. Their high energy levels and exuberant behavior can sometimes lead to noise and disruption. They are also protective, which can result in frequent barking if they are not properly trained and socialized.


Photo Credit: Dany Store/Shutterstock

Many of us think of Dalmatians as one of the most iconic dog breeds you can get, and they’re also very active and intelligent. But without enough physical and mental stimulation, they can become restless and vocal. Their strong protective instincts can also lead to barking, making them less suitable for a home seeking peace and quiet.


Photo Credit: EugeneEdge/Shutterstock

Pomeranians may be small, but they make their presence known. They tend to be vocal and bark at strangers or unusual sounds. Their lively and alert nature can disrupt a household’s tranquility, so consistent training is needed to manage their barking.


Photo Credit: DragoNika/Shutterstock

Weimaraners are high-energy dogs that need lots of exercise and mental stimulation. Their strong hunting instincts can make them vocal and restless if they are not adequately engaged. Keeping a peaceful home with a Weimaraner can be challenging due to their constant need for activity.

Miniature Schnauzer

Photo Credit: Eudyptula/Shutterstock

Known for their alert nature, Miniature Schnauzers tend to bark at anything strange or unfamiliar. Their protective nature can also lead to excessive barking, disrupting your home’s tranquility. Consistent training is the best way to manage their vocal tendencies (and your sanity).

Cocker Spaniel

Photo Credit: Shveyn Irina/Shutterstock

Cocker Spaniels are friendly and affectionate but can be quite vocal. They often bark to express excitement or to alert their owners to perceived threats. Their lively and social nature can sometimes lead to noise, making it challenging to maintain a peaceful home environment.

Basset Hound

Photo Credit: Marry Kolesnik/Shutterstock

A lot of people love Basset Hounds’ unique, deep bark, but it’s not for everyone and can get old after a while. Their strong sense of smell often leads them to follow scents, resulting in frequent howling and barking. While they are generally laid-back, their vocal tendencies can disrupt a quiet household seeking tranquility.

Shih Tzu

Photo Credit: Pattarit S/Shutterstock

Shih Tzus are affectionate and friendly but can be prone to barking, especially when excited or seeing something unfamiliar. Their social nature often leads them to be quite vocal, which can disrupt the peace in a home that values quiet and calm.

Belgian Malinois

Photo Credit: Victoria Antonova/Shutterstock

Highly intelligent and energetic, Belgian Malinois are often used in police and military roles. Their need for constant mental and physical stimulation can lead to restlessness and vocalization. This breed requires extensive training and exercise, which can be challenging for maintaining a peaceful home environment.

Fox Terrier

Photo Credit: Radovancev Zarko/Shutterstock

Fox Terriers are lively and energetic, and they love to bark. Their alert nature and strong hunting instincts make them prone to frequent vocalization. Ensuring a quiet home with a Fox Terrier can be difficult, as their natural tendencies often lead to noise and disruption.

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