19 Dangerous Cities Around the World You Should Never Visit

Written By Jill Taylor

Travel is exciting, but some places are risky and best avoided due to crime or political issues. However, it doesn’t mean there aren’t other incredible cities to visit in the same country. Here are 19 dangerous cities worldwide to avoid for your safety.

Caracas, Venezuela

Photo Credit: Alejandro Solo/Shutterstock

Gov UK informs us that “Venezuela has one of the highest murder rates in the world. Armed robbery, mugging, carjacking and burglary are all very common and often accompanied by extreme violence.” Caracas has a lot of crime and political issues, and visitors can face dangers like armed robbery and kidnapping. 

Cape Town, South Africa

Photo Credit: michaeljung/Shutterstock

Thanks to the beautiful South African landscape, Cape Town is stunning, but there’s a big issue with violent crime like muggings and assaults, with tourists often getting targeted. Even though there are efforts to make things safer, the risk is still pretty high.

San Pedro Sula, Honduras

Photo Credit: Manuel Chinchilla/Shutterstock

Many people skip visiting San Pedro Sula, as it’s known for its high murder rates and gang violence. The city’s dangerous reputation is deserved, with street crime everywhere. Travelers can easily find themselves in risky situations, making it a dangerous place to visit.

Acapulco, Mexico

Photo Credit: Juneisy Q. Hawkins/Shutterstock

A few decades ago, Acapulco used to be a glamorous resort, but now it’s dealing with serious drug violence. Tourists are getting caught in gang fights, making the city unsafe and making them choose safer resorts. Because of this, there are travel warnings advising people not to visit.

Karachi, Pakistan

Photo Credit: ibrar.kunri/Shutterstock

This city is known for its turmoil, with Karachi often facing terrorist attacks and violent crime. Political issues add to the chaos, creating a dangerous environment, and due to the high chance of being targeted, tourists are strongly advised to avoid visiting the city.

Kabul, Afghanistan

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We’re all aware that Kabul is a risky place to visit because of ongoing conflicts and terrorist threats. The unstable politics make it even more dangerous for visitors, so it isn’t somewhere to vacation. Kidnappings and bombings happen often, so it’s really unsafe for travelers.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Photo Credit: marchello74/Shutterstock

There’s no denying that Rio de Janeiro is stunning, but it has a high crime rate, especially in the favelas. Tourists often risk muggings and assaults, so while the city’s attractions are amazing, safety issues can be a big concern, making it important to stay alert and cautious when visiting.

Tijuana, Mexico

Photo Credit: Denis Kabanov/Shutterstock

Tijuana is another risky destination, as you may already be aware that it’s often associated with drug cartel violence and crime. The city sees frequent gang activity and kidnappings, which makes it dangerous for visitors.

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

Photo Credit: RGAPhoto86/Shutterstock

Port Moresby is also a city best avoided, as it has a lot of crime, like armed robbery and carjacking. The police aren’t very effective, which makes it even more dangerous. Tourists often find themselves at risk, so it’s not the safest place to visit.

Mogadishu, Somalia

Photo Credit: hamza sulub/Shutterstock

It’s no surprise that this city should be off your ‘to visit’ list, as Mogadishu is really dangerous due to ongoing conflicts and terrorist activities. The city’s instability means violence is common, and there’s a chance you could face some if you go. Kidnappings and bombings happen a lot, making it very risky for travelers.

St. Louis, U.S.

Photo Credit: RozenskiP/Shutterstock

One city a little closer to home is St. Louis, which faces significant issues with violent crime, including shootings and assaults. Certain neighborhoods are particularly unsafe for visitors, and despite efforts to curb crime, the city’s danger levels remain high.

Guatemala City, Guatemala

Photo Credit: Rene Hernandez0705/Shutterstock

You may have already heard that Guatemala City is plagued by high crime rates and gang violence. Tourists face considerable risks, including armed robbery and assault. The city’s dangerous environment and insufficient law enforcement make it a perilous destination for travelers.

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Photo Credit: NoyanYalcin/Shutterstock

Dhaka is another city you should avoid visiting, as it experiences significant issues with street crime, including muggings and theft. Tourists often face risks, especially in crowded areas and public transportation. The city’s dense population and limited law enforcement resources contribute to its reputation as a dangerous destination for travelers.

Ciudad Juárez, Mexico

Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

If you visit Mexico, you may want to stay away from Ciudad Juárez as it’s infamous for its drug cartel violence and high crime rates. Tourists are at risk of being caught in gang-related incidents and kidnappings. The city’s perilous environment makes it an unsafe destination for visitors.

Cairo, Egypt

Photo Credit: AlexAnton/Shutterstock

It may be home to one of the seven wonders of the world, but Cairo has experienced rising crime rates, including muggings and harassment. Visitors, especially in crowded markets and tourist sites, are often targeted. Political unrest and occasional terrorist activities further contribute to the city’s reputation as a potentially dangerous destination for travelers.

Manila, Philippines

Photo Credit: aldarinho/Shutterstock

If you visit the Philippines, you should avoid heading to Manila. The city faces significant challenges with street crime, including pickpocketing and muggings. Tourists are often targeted in busy areas and on public transportation. The city’s high crime rates and safety concerns make it a risky destination for travelers.

Johannesburg, South Africa

Photo Credit: View Apart/Shutterstock

Something you’re most likely aware of is that Johannesburg has high crime rates, including armed robbery and assaults. Tourists are often targeted, especially in high-risk areas. The city’s safety issues make it a dangerous destination for travelers.

Lagos, Nigeria

Photo Credit: Wirestock Creators/Shutterstock

It’s best to avoid visiting Lagos, as it experiences high levels of violent crime, including muggings and armed robberies. The city’s security concerns and lack of effective law enforcement make it a risky destination, and tourists are frequently targeted, especially in crowded areas.

Mexico City, Mexico

Photo Credit: Diego Grandi/Shutterstock

It’s usually for the best if tourists don’t head to Mexico City because it struggles with high crime rates, including kidnappings and robberies. Despite its cultural richness, the city’s safety concerns make it a potentially hazardous destination for visitors, especially in certain areas known for street crime.

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Photo Credit: Eric Glenn/Shutterstock

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