20 Daily Habits Baby Boomers Still Have (And You Should Too)

Written By Jill Taylor

Baby Boomers have acquired a lot of habits over the years that continue to benefit their well-being. Many of these daily routines have stood the test of time and can offer valuable lessons for all generations. Here are 20 Boomer habits that you should adopt, too.

Having a Healthy Breakfast

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It’s important to start your day with a nutritious meal. According to the BBC, “breakfast gives you energy, stops you snacking later in the day and supplies essential nutrients.” While many Baby Boomers consistently eat breakfast every morning, younger generations tend not to follow suit.

Regular Exercise

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Baby Boomers often follow a regular exercise routine to stay fit and healthy, whereas younger generations just seem to complain about trying to get fit (guilty)! Maintaining an active lifestyle has many health benefits, such as preventing various physical and mental health problems.

Being Social

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Maybe it’s all the technology we’ve become accustomed to, or maybe it’s how busy we always are, but for whatever reason, younger generations don’t seem to be as social as Boomers. This older generation seems to really value their social connections and meeting people in person.


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Despite easy access to TV, movies, and other forms of entertainment, Baby Boomers still love reading a good book, which is often part of their daily routine. Regular reading has great cognitive benefits. Maybe you should swap your TV time for some quality time reading a book in the future!


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Getting outside in the fresh air and “gardening can help improve your physical and mental health,” the Mayo Clinic says. The Boomer generation reap these benefits every day by tending to their gardens or going out for walks in nature. Whenever the weather is nice, try to spend some time outside!


Photo Credit: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock

Baby Boomers are often involved in their community and regularly volunteer. It feels good to help different people and causes, and volunteering also gives you a sense of purpose and teaches you valuable skills. Consider finding volunteering opportunities near you!

Regular Health Check-Ups

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Regular health check-ups are important for monitoring your health and getting the preventative care you might need. Baby Boomers frequently access the health check-ups that they are entitled to. We should follow in their footsteps and be proactive about our health and check-ups.


Photo Credit: Marcos Castillo/Shutterstock

Remember those tasty, comforting, home-cooked meals your older family members would cook for you? Many Boomers are masters in the kitchen and cook hearty meals every day. Be sure to ask your older relatives to share their favorite recipes and cooking tips!

Staying Hydrated

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

It’s important to stay hydrated and drink enough water every day! There are many benefits to staying properly hydrated, as water ensures the proper function of almost all parts of the body. Take a leaf out of the Baby Boomers’ book, and make staying hydrated part of your daily routine.


Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

We all get a bit stressed out sometimes! Making meditation a habit, even for a few minutes a day, can be extremely beneficial. The New York Times highlights that “research has shown it to help with everything from anxiety and depression to better sleep, lower stress levels and chronic pain relief.”


Photo Credit: Lena Evans/Shutterstock

Baby Boomers are known to be conscious of their spending and aware of the importance of budgeting and financial planning. These skills often come with life experience, but we can learn a lot from the older generation and start putting some effort into budgeting.

Keeping a Journal

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Journaling has many emotional and cognitive benefits. Getting into the habit of writing a journal can reduce stress, help you process emotions, and encourage self-discovery. Take up this Boomer habit, get a nice old-fashioned notebook and pen, and start writing!

Being grateful

Photo Credit: Dmytro Zinkevych/Shutterstock

After many years on this planet, Baby Boomers have learned to be grateful for everything in their daily lives. Practicing gratitude can have many positive mental effects, and it’s especially important to be grateful when things aren’t really going your way!

Learning New Skills

Photo Credit: Ljupco Smokovski/Shutterstock

It’s important to continue learning and developing long past your school days and all throughout your life! Boomers have set a precedent for lifelong learning, and we should all follow their lead, as continuously learning new hobbies and skills is great for mental agility.

Limiting Screen Time

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

Baby Boomers didn’t grow up with smartphones, TVs, and other devices, so they likely have other activities they prefer to do away from screens. Altering your routine to limit screen time can be beneficial, as Business Insider says the “negative effects of excessive screen time include eye strain, brain fog, and anxiety.”

Getting Enough Sleep

Photo Credit: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock

Keeping a regular sleep pattern where you get enough quality sleep each night is valuable. Consistent, good-quality sleep can significantly improve your overall quality of life by improving many areas of both your physical and mental health. Start winding down at a set time each day and go from there.

Cleaning and Tidying

Photo Credit: Kaspars Grinvalds/Shutterstock

The Boomer generation takes pride in their homes. They might clean and tidy their homes as part of their daily routine. If you do it bit by bit each day instead of leaving it all to build up for weeks, then it won’t seem like such a massive task!

Good Manners

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Unlike some younger generations, politeness, respect, and good manners were ingrained into Baby Boomers from a young age. Boomers often still uphold common manners and etiquette that we should all take note of, as practicing good manners can improve relationships and interactions.

Being Curious

Photo Credit: Dikushin Dmitry/Shutterstock

Baby Boomers tend to stay updated on news and current events more than younger generations. Being curious and wanting to stay informed helps you continually learn and be aware of what’s going on in the world. We should all seek new information, ask questions, and be curious!


Photo Credit: Ann Rodchua/Shutterstock

It’s important to have hobbies and do the things you love to have a good quality of life! The Boomer generation often has hobbies that they have cultivated for years. Finding and developing your own hobbies can lead to improvements in relaxation and fulfillment.

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Photo Credit: Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: Stockbakery/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: Jacob Boomsma/Shutterstock

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