21 Countries with the Rudest Locals According to Tourists

Written By Jill Taylor

We all know how fun traveling can be, but sometimes, you meet unfriendly locals who can spoil the trip. There have been many occasions when tourists have had some not-great encounters. Here are  21 countries where tourists have had rude experiences with locals.


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Lingoda writes, “Compared to Anglo-Saxon culture, French people are rather direct. So don’t expect so many niceties and white lies to soften a negative statement.” Many tourists think French locals can be aloof and impatient, especially in busy places like Paris. Visitors often feel a lack of warmth and sometimes encounter a brusque attitude.


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Many tourists notice that Russians seem serious and hard to approach. Their reserved nature and few smiles might come off as unfriendly. Visitors also usually mention that locals are not very helpful in public places, making it tougher to get around the country.


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If there’s one thing people pick up on in Germany, it’s that locals can seem a bit too direct or even rude. This often makes visitors feel uneasy and like they aren’t welcome. Germans are just used to blunt communication, but it can seem harsh to those from more polite cultures.


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It’s common for travelers in China to find locals impatient, especially in busy cities. The hustle and bustle create a rushed atmosphere, and with little personal interaction, locals can appear rude. Many tourists also feel overwhelmed by the crowded spaces and straightforward communication.

United States

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The U.S. is famous for being friendly, but some tourists find people rude, especially in big cities such as New York. The fast pace and stress can make interactions short and snappy, taking away that warm feeling tourists enjoy. Sometimes visitors feel like they’re more of a bother than being welcomed.


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In busy tourist areas, especially in the summer, local Italians might seem a bit dismissive or impatient. With so many visitors, they can come across as less friendly and more focused on their daily tasks. This might make tourists feel a bit undervalued and unwelcome at times.


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If you’ve visited Brazil before, then you may already know that tourists sometimes feel ignored or brushed off by locals, especially in busy cities. The fast-paced vibe can make interactions feel rushed and impersonal, leaving visitors with the sense that people are indifferent to them.


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We all know that India has busy and crowded cities, which can feel overwhelming. Some tourists think locals seem unfriendly or unwilling to help, but this is often due to differences in the way people communicate and their sense of personal space. These differences can make interactions tough, and locals seem rude.


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People who’ve visited Argentina, especially in Buenos Aires, think locals seem unfriendly. The city’s busy vibe can make interactions feel rushed and impersonal, taking away the country’s charm. Visitors might feel like they’re bothering people instead of getting a warm welcome, which can affect their trip.


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Many travelers expect politeness in Australia, thinking it’s a very friendly place. Even though it’s famous for its relaxed vibe, some tourists still find people rude, especially in big cities. The straightforward way Aussies talk can seem harsh, making tourists feel unwelcome. 


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It’s commonly believed that Japan has a reputation for politeness, but some tourists find locals to be distant and unapproachable. The formal and reserved nature of Japanese culture can create a barrier, making interactions feel cold. This perceived lack of warmth can be surprising for many visitors.

South Korea

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Many people have noticed that tourists in South Korea sometimes report locals as being curt or indifferent, especially in Seoul. The high-speed lifestyle and focus on efficiency can lead to brief and impersonal interactions, which can result in a perception of unfriendliness among visitors.


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As a popular tourist destination, you’d think Spain would be a friendly country. However, in busy tourist areas, some visitors find locals less than welcoming. The high influx of tourists can lead to impatience and a lack of interest in engaging with visitors.


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With some of the most beautiful islands in Europe, people flock to Greece. Despite the country’s hospitality reputation, some tourists encounter rudeness, especially in overcrowded tourist spots. The strain of constant tourism can make locals seem impatient or dismissive. These experiences can leave visitors feeling less appreciated and more like a burden.


Photo Credit: Francisco G. Mendizabal/Shutterstock

It’s not unusual for tourists in Mexico to occasionally report unfriendly encounters, particularly in heavily visited areas. The stress of dealing with large numbers of tourists can make locals appear impatient. This can lead to a sense of being unwelcome for many visitors.

United Kingdom

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There have been many reports that in the UK, particularly in London, some tourists have found locals to be brusque and unapproachable. The fast-paced city life and reserved British demeanor can come across as unfriendly, making interactions feel cold and impersonal.


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Many people who’ve visited Turkey sometimes feel that locals are indifferent or even rude, especially in busy markets and tourist spots. The bustling environment and focus on business can make interactions feel transactional, and this can leave tourists feeling unvalued.


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One country with a bad reputation is Egypt, where tourists often report feeling hassled by locals, particularly in tourist-heavy areas. The persistent nature of street vendors and guides can be overwhelming, creating an impression of rudeness and making visitors feel uncomfortable.


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A surprising addition to this list is Thailand. Despite being commonly known as the ‘Land of Smiles,’ some tourists have encountered less friendly locals in crowded tourist destinations. The high volume of visitors can lead to impatience and a lack of genuine warmth. This can result in a feeling of being just another tourist.


Photo Credit: Hien Phung Thu/Shutterstock

It can be surprising to think that Vietnam, particularly busy cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, can have rude or indifferent locals. The fast-paced environment and cultural differences in communication can make interactions feel brusque, leaving visitors feeling unwelcome.


Photo Credit: Vlad G/Shutterstock

While it’s generally known for its politeness, some visitors report encountering rudeness in major Canadian cities. The stress and hustle of urban life can result in curt interactions. This can be surprising for tourists expecting a warm and friendly reception.

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