18 Common Home Devices That Will Raise Your Energy Bill

Written By Jill Taylor

Saving money is more important than ever, so it’s key to know all the tips and tricks needed to lower your bills. Electrical appliances are useful, but they also cost a lot to run. Here are 18 appliances that you probably have and that are sure to raise your energy bill.

Gaming Consoles

Photo Credit: REDPIXEL.PL/Shutterstock

Gaming consoles let players save the world or solve puzzles, but they’re also thirsty for power. Most consoles need to be plugged into a TV, which only increases this problem. To keep bills low, be sure to switch consoles off when they’re not in use rather than leaving them on standby.


Photo Credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

Nobody likes sitting in the dark, but keeping lights switched on when you’re not using them is a guaranteed route to high energy bills. More efficient LED lights are becoming increasingly common, but as the BBC points out, it can be very expensive to make the change. Until then, just switch the lights off when you don’t need them.


Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

Refrigerators are great for preserving food, but this comes at a price. Since they have to be switched on at all times, these appliances use a lot of energy – especially when cooling back down after the door has been opened. To save money, make sure to only open the refrigerator when it’s absolutely necessary.


Photo Credit: Stock-Asso/Shutterstock

While it can be tempting to spend hours binge-watching the latest season of your favorite TV show, this can come back to bite you. Extended TV sessions use a lot of energy, especially on larger screens. Sometimes, it’s better to leave a series on a cliffhanger until the next day rather than overusing the TV.


Photo Credit: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

Few cooking utensils are as useful as microwaves, and they have saved more than one chef from a culinary catastrophe. However, there’s always a catch: microwaves bump up energy bills. Fortunately, they only need to be switched on for short bursts when reheating yesterday’s leftovers – this actually makes them more efficient than large conventional ovens.

Tumble Dryers

Photo Credit: Evgeny Atamanenko/Shutterstock

Wet clothes aren’t exactly ideal, and tumble dryers help to significantly speed up the laundry process. However, each load of laundry costs around forty cents to dry completely, depending on your make and model. This might not seem like much, but it’s bound to add up if the dryer isn’t used in moderation.

Space Heaters

Photo Credit: Hello_ji/Shutterstock

According to CNET, space heaters cost about twenty cents an hour to run. This means that cold-climate consumers might spend an extra $600 a year heating their homes. To limit the cost, space heaters should only be used as an extra to more conventional heating systems rather than being switched on at all times.

Water Heaters

Photo Credit: cunaplus/Shutterstock

A hot shower is a great way to start your day, but heating the water can use a lot of energy. This can leave consumers with eye-watering energy bills, so it’s important to use hot water carefully. Maybe a cold shower doesn’t sound like such a bad idea after all!

Water Kettles

Photo Credit: Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock

Kettles aren’t super common in the U.S., so most residents don’t have to foot the bill for using one. However, kettles use a huge amount of energy to boil water, so it’s important to carefully measure the amount of water being boiled to keep costs as low as possible.


Photo Credit: Zulkarnieiev Denis/Shutterstock

Washing dishes by hand is no one’s favorite chore, so our reliance on dishwashers makes sense. However, older dishwashers are not very efficient when it comes to energy use and can drive up bills. This leaves consumers with a choice: either upgrade or go back to washing the old-fashioned way!


Photo Credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

With computers being used so much these days, it’s no surprise that they have significant energy demands. The Independent reveals that Americans spend three and a half hours a day on their computers on average. To avoid racking up a huge energy bill, computers should be turned off between tasks rather than left on standby.

AC Units

Photo Credit: Naypong Studio/Shutterstock

AC units make life bearable in many states, but they use a scary amount of energy. Their 3000-watt hourly energy use adds up to over 70,000 watts a day. It’s better for your bank balance to brave the heat without AC or switch to the less costly fan mode.

Electric Barbecues

Photo Credit: Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock

Grilling is a classic American hobby, but it’s easy to run up a bill while working with an electric grill, as they use a lot of electricity. However, there is a trade-off: electric grills cook food very quickly, so for small groups, electric BBQs can still be an efficient option.

Washing Machines

Photo Credit: Zivica Kerkez/Shutterstock

In terms of energy use, washing machines might take the crown. It’s impossible to deny how useful they are, but they need a lot of energy to get the job done. People trying to save money should only wash clothes when they really need to – washing at a lower temperature also makes a difference.

Fish Tanks

Photo Credit: Frantisek Czanner/Shutterstock

The New York Times reports that almost 13 million U.S. households have a fish tank. While they probably appreciate their pets, it’s unlikely they love the energy bills that come with them. Even worse, fish tanks can’t just be switched off to save power – unless you plan to send your pets to a watery grave!

Smart Devices

Photo Credit: Juan Ci/Shutterstock

Smart devices are meant to be small and inconspicuous, but that doesn’t mean they leave a small mark on your energy bill. Because they run more or less constantly in the background, they can use a lot of energy without consumers realizing it. If you’re trying to be careful with your energy usage, it’s a good idea to weigh the pros and cons of such devices.

Electric Ovens

Photo Credit: Enjoy The Life/Shutterstock

Home-cooked food is one of life’s pleasures, but preparing it is becoming more and more expensive. As if food prices weren’t bad enough, recipes requiring an oven can run up substantial energy bills. It’s no wonder that people have started replacing their electric ovens with more compact and efficient air fryers.


Photo Credit: Max kegfire/Shutterstock

With many Americans now working remotely, laptops are being used more than ever before. While working on a laptop has plenty of perks, the increased need to charge these devices can lead to an unexpected energy bill. Perhaps there’s something to be said about working in an office after all!

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