It’s not news that boomers and Gen Z often clash, over everything from their values to the language they use. In this article, we’re sharing 17 common boomer sayings that tend to rub Gen Z the wrong way, further highlighting their generational divide.
“Back in my day…”
The classic “back in my day” saying is often used before a boomer begins a story of “simpler times” or past hardships. However, to Gen Z, it’s typically seen as either an over-romanticization or exaggeration of the past, disregarding present challenges that people face.
“Kids these days…”
As you likely know, this saying is typically used by boomers to criticize the younger generation’s habits or behaviors. When Gen Z hears this, it feels pretty dismissive and can be seen as overly generalizing. Nobody wants to be patronized, right?
“Pull yourself up by your bootstraps”
As told by HuffPost, “The concept is simple: To pull yourself up by your bootstraps means to succeed or elevate yourself without any outside help.” In other words, the saying is meant to encourage self-sufficiency. In most cases, however, Gen Z sees this as unrealistic, overlooking systemic issues and inequalities.
“It’s just a phase”
Gen Z can’t stand when boomers use this saying, viewing it as being dismissive of young people’s interests or identities as temporary. The young generation believes that it undermines their experiences and self-discovery and can affect young adults’ confidence in their personal development.
“Respect your elders”
Boomers may have grown up in an environment that enforced the respect of elders, but Gen Z tends to advocate for mutual respect, regardless of age. The belief that respect is earned by actions and not age is increasingly common among the youth of today.
“You have too much time on your hands”
This boomer saying suggests to Gen Z that spending time on hobbies or relaxation is unproductive—or that boomers themselves were far busier in their youth. From Gen Z’s point of view, however, a work-life balance and mental health are extremely important. The younger generation sees personal time as essential.
“Good things come to those who wait”
According to Phrase Finder, this proverbial saying was first used by the English poet Lady Mary Montgomerie Currie in a poem. It’s a traditional piece of advice given by Boomers, but Gen Z often sees it as passive and not proactive enough for the modern world.
“We had to earn our fun”
It’s no secret that previous generations had a tougher, more disciplined approach to leisure, but Gen Z doesn’t appreciate the reminder. The younger generation views enjoyment as a necessary part of life, not something to be earned, and has differing attitudes toward work.
“You can be anything you want to be”
While boomers might use this saying as a way to inspire limitless possibilities in others, many of Gen Z dislike it. It’s sometimes seen as an overly simplistic or unrealistic piece of advice. With how challenging it can be to achieve goals these days, the phrase is considered frustrating.
“The early bird catches the worm”
Another classic saying, “the early bird catches the worm” may advocate for the benefits of starting early but we don’t recommend saying this to a member of Gen Z. This generation seems to prefer flexibility over traditional timetables, with very diverse working styles.
“Money doesn’t grow on trees”
The Idioms says this saying may have originated in the late 19th century, but it’s still used by plenty of boomers today. As you likely know, it emphasizes the value of money and hard work. While Gen Z is aware of this, they don’t like hearing the saying, as they believe quite strongly in the importance of fair distribution and economic reforms.
“That’s not how we did it in my day”
It’s a pretty well-known fact that boomers prefer traditional methods over new approaches, so it’s no surprise they like to use this saying. Gen Z has a very differing perspective, though, favoring innovation and adaptation. They think that sticking to old methods only hinders the adoption of new, possibly more efficient solutions.
“When I was your age…”
This saying is often used by boomers to highlight differences in lifestyle or opportunities between generations. Why does Gen Z dislike it? Because they see it as irrelevant due to the drastically different social and technological landscapes of when boomers grew up and now.
“This will go on your permanent record”
Used as a warning and to stress the long-term consequences of actions, boomers love to tell younger generations this saying. Gen Z, on the other hand, views it as an overstatement. They have a more nuanced understanding of personal growth and mistakes.
“Hard work always pays off”
The saying “hard work always pays off” encourages diligence and effort, promising rewards. As per Time Magazine, however, young people can be “hurt by the message that effort equals success.” Gen Z recognizes that outcomes also depend on external factors and opportunities, not just hard work.
“A penny saved is a penny earned”
Boomers often think they’re providing financial wisdom with this saying, but many Gen Z-ers can’t stand it. They tend to seek more nuanced financial advice that accounts for inflation and economic changes. Considering the economic realities of today, it’s a little bit more complex than just saving money.
“They don’t make them like they used to”
Expressing their nostalgia for the past, boomers use this phrase to suggest that older products were made better and to last longer. This can frustrate Gen Z, who feel that boomers are trying to knock the products of today. Gen Z-ers are also advocates for sustainable and innovative new products.
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