Can Chickens Eat Meat? Surprising Facts for Backyard Owners

Written By Jill Taylor

Having kept a flock of chickens in my backyard most of my life, I’ve had many a moment contemplating their diet. It’s a question that baffled me early on and may surprise many chicken owners out there: Can chickens eat meat? The answer is a resounding yes, they can, and in certain circumstances, they should. Chickens, being omnivores, are quite open to including a bit of meat in their diet.

If you imagine your feathered friends tearing into a steak, let’s adjust that image slightly. Chickens can eat meat, but it needs to be served in a specific way and in moderation to ensure their health and safety. Moreover, not all types of meat are suitable for these curious creatures.

This article aims to shed light on the natural diet of chickens, their nutritional needs, and the potential positive and negative impacts of including meat in their diet. We’ll also provide some best practices on safely feeding chickens meat. Let’s scratch the surface of this topic and peck at the details.

can chickens eat meat

Understanding the Natural Diet of Chickens

If we talk about feeding chickens meat, we first need to understand their natural diet. Chickens are omnivores, just like us humans. They’ll chow down on anything that looks good, like grains, insects, or small fruits and veggies.

The Omnivorous Nature of Chickens

Chickens have the gift of being able to eat a variety of foods. This not only keeps their meals interesting but also helps to fulfill their nutritional needs. From grains to insects and greenery, chickens have a broad diet. They’re not fussy eaters!

What Chickens Eat in the Wild

In the wild, chickens constantly scratch the ground for a delicious snack. They’ll go for bugs, worms, and even small rodents if they can. They’ll also eat various plants, seeds, and fruits.

How Chickens Digest Food

Unlike us, chickens don’t have teeth. Instead, they have a unique digestive system designed to break down food. They swallow food whole, which then travels to their crop for storage before making its way to the gizzard, where it’s ground up for digestion.


The Nutritional Needs of Chickens

So, what’s on the nutritional menu for our feathered friends? Like us, chickens need a balanced diet to stay in tip-top shape.

Essential Nutrients for Chickens

Chickens need a cocktail of nutrients to thrive. They need protein for growth and repair, carbohydrates for energy, and vitamins and minerals for overall health. Let’s not forget about water – it’s vital for their survival.

The Role of Protein in the Chicken Diet

The importance of protein in a chicken’s diet can’t be overstated. Protein is needed for growth, feather development, and egg production. It also helps keep chickens healthy and fighting fit.

The Balance of Diet and Health in Chickens

Just like with us, what chickens eat can majorly impact their health. A balanced diet can lead to healthy feathers, robust egg production, and a good immune system, while an unbalanced diet can lead to various health problems.

Can Chickens Eat Meat?

platter of meat

Now, the million-dollar question: Can chickens eat meat? Let’s dive in and find out.

Defining What We Mean by Meat

When we talk about meat, we generally refer to animal muscle tissue. But for chickens, meat could also mean insects and small rodents they would naturally consume in the wild.

Historical and Scientific Evidence of Chickens Eating Meat

Historically and scientifically, there’s evidence that chickens eat meat. Just think about the insects and small rodents they’ll happily devour in the wild.

Potential Benefits and Risks of Feeding Meat to Chickens

Feeding meat to chickens can be a great way to boost their protein intake. However, it’s not without risks. For instance, raw or undercooked meat could lead to disease transmission.

Safe and Unsafe Types of Meat for Chickens

cooked meat

Alright, so chickens can eat meat. But what kind of meat is safe, and what should be avoided?

Meats Chickens Can Eat: Cooked, Unseasoned Meat

If you’re going to feed meat to your chickens, it should be cooked and unseasoned. This reduces the risk of disease transmission and ensures no harmful spices or seasonings could cause health problems.

Meats Chickens Should Avoid: Raw, Processed, and Spiced Meats

Raw meat can harbor harmful bacteria that could make chickens sick. Similarly, processed meats often contain preservatives and flavorings unsuitable for chickens. And spiced meats? They’re a big no-no. Many common spices can upset a chicken’s digestive system or worse.

The Importance of Moderation and Variety in a Chicken’s Diet

Just because chickens can eat meat doesn’t mean they should always have it. As with all things in life, moderation is key. Also, ensuring variety in their diet is essential for a balanced nutrient intake.

Impact of Feeding Meat to Chickens on Their Health

flock of chickens

So what happens when you introduce meat into a chicken’s diet? Can it have an impact on their health? Let’s dig a little deeper.

Potential Positive Impacts

Feeding meat to chickens can have several positive impacts. It can increase their protein intake, improving feather quality and potentially higher egg production.

Potential Negative Impacts

However, there can also be negative impacts. As mentioned before, feeding raw or undercooked meat can lead to disease transmission. Overfeeding meat can also cause a nutrient imbalance.

How Overfeeding Meat Can Affect Egg Production

This is a big one. While a certain amount of meat can increase egg production, too much can decrease it. This is because a diet too high in protein can cause health problems for chickens.

Best Practices for Feeding Meat to Chickens

baby chick

Alright, we’ve covered a lot. So what’s the best way to go about feeding meat to chickens?

When to Introduce Meat into a Chicken’s Diet

Chickens can start eating meat once they’re fully grown. That’s generally around six weeks of age. Until then, they should eat a starter feed to get all the necessary nutrients.

How to Safely Prepare Meat for Chickens

Remember, if you’re feeding meat to your chickens, it should always be cooked and unseasoned. Cut it into small pieces to prevent choking.

Monitoring Chickens for Changes in Health or Behavior

Watching your chickens after introducing new foods is always a good idea. Look for any changes in behavior or health. It’s best to consult with a vet if you notice anything unusual.

Effects on Behavior

Feeding meat to chickens isn’t just about nutritional value; it can also impact their behavior. Let’s delve deeper into how introducing meat can affect your feathery flock.

Changes in Flock Dynamics

You might see some interesting behavioral changes when a new food source is introduced into the flock. Chickens are social animals, and their pecking order might come into play as they jostle for the new tasty treat. You might notice the more dominant hens getting to the meat first.

Aggression and Competition

Chickens can get a little enthusiastic when meat is on the menu. Their excitement might result in increased aggression or competition amongst flock members. This usually settles down after a while, but it’s something to keep an eye on. If it becomes an issue, it might be worth rethinking how and when you feed meat to your flock.

Environmental Impact

Last but not least, it’s essential to consider the environmental impact of feeding meat to chickens.

The Carbon Footprint of Meat Production

Meat production comes with a significant environmental footprint. It’s resource-intensive, contributing to deforestation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. If you’re specifically buying meat for your chickens, it’s important to consider these impacts.

Sustainable Feeding Practices

One way to mitigate this is by using leftovers or scraps from your own meals, as long as they’re safe and suitable for chickens. This not only reduces waste but can also supplement your chickens’ diet without the need for additional resource use.

Local Sourcing and Organic Choices

If you purchase meat for your chickens, consider sourcing it locally or choosing organic options. While this doesn’t eliminate the environmental impact, it can help to reduce it. Local sourcing minimizes the carbon footprint associated with transportation, and organic farming practices often have lower environmental impacts than conventional methods.

What Meat Can Chickens Eat?

raw chicken meat

Just because chickens can eat meat doesn’t mean all types of meat are on the menu. Let’s dive into some other meat options you might consider feeding your chickens and how suitable they are for our feathered friends.


A little bit of a mind-bender, but yes, chickens can eat chicken. However, you must ensure it is cooked thoroughly to kill any potential disease-causing bacteria. Serving raw or undercooked chicken meat to your chickens can lead to diseases like Salmonella or Campylobacter.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Chicken? Unraveling The Mystery And Controversy


Ham is another meat you could potentially feed to your chickens. However, it’s important to remember that ham is often processed and contains high salt levels, which isn’t good for chickens. If you decide to feed your chickens ham, ensure it’s only an occasional treat and served in small quantities.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Ham? Discover The Surprising Answer And More


Turkey is a safe option for chickens. It’s high in protein and usually lacks the seasonings and high salt content in processed meats like ham. Make sure it’s fully cooked and chopped into small, manageable pieces.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Turkey? Debunking Myths And Offering Guidelines


Chickens can also eat pork but it should be thoroughly cooked like chicken meat. Raw pork can carry a risk of disease transmission. Additionally, due to the higher fat content in pork, it should be offered sparingly and not become a regular part of their diet.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Pork? A Comprehensive Guide To Poultry Diets


Lastly, beef is another safe meat for chickens, provided it is cooked and unseasoned. Lean cuts are best as they are lower in fat. Beef offers a good protein source, but like all meats, it should be fed in moderation alongside a balanced diet of grains, vegetables, and chicken feed.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Beef? Surprising Benefits Revealed

Can chickens eat meat – final thoughts

Yes, chickens can eat meat! It’s not as shocking as it might initially seem when you remember our backyard buddies are natural omnivores. They’re out there clucking, pecking, and flapping about while contemplating the next delicious snack – be it a seed, a bug, or a nice piece of unseasoned cooked meat.

Remember, variety is the spice of life, and it’s no different for chickens. A balanced diet with a mix of grains, greens, and even a little meat can help keep them healthy and their feathers shiny. Just make sure to serve it up safely, observe any changes, and always consult with a vet if you’re unsure. After all, our feathered friends are counting on us to keep their coop a happy and healthy one!

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