20 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Selling Their Houses

Written By Babatunde Sanni

Selling your house comes with complexities and can be difficult, with many people making the same mistakes. If you want to make the process smooth and get the most from your sale, here are 20 things you should carefully avoid doing. 

Pricing Too High

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Setting unrealistic prices for your home is one of the worst mistakes to make. Forbes describes this action as “playing Russian roulette,” as buyers may think something’s wrong. Doing this actually makes them scroll past to look for more reasonable listings. You should always research the market for your specific house to determine the most attractive price. 

Ignoring Necessary Repairs

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Certain faults in your home are non-negotiable deal breakers for most buyers, and ignoring them only puts you on the market for longer. Some of these include leaky faucets, cracked tiles, peeling paint, structural cracks, and roofing issues. However, you don’t want to spend on unnecessary fixes, like squeaky doors, to protect your ROI.

Poor Staging

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The main purpose of staging is to create a clean, attractive space that buyers can imagine themselves living in. But sadly, many fail to achieve this. They make specific mistakes like failing to clear clutter, going too minimalistic, failing to take professional photos, or even arranging the furniture wrongly. It’s always best to hire a professional stager here. 

Overpersonalizing Decor

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Highly personalized decor can turn off potential buyers who might have different tastes. To prepare a house for sale, it’s a good idea to make the room decor and paint color as neutral and general as possible, both on the interior and exterior of the house.

Overlooking Seasonal Factors

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Market conditions can vary with the seasons, affecting buyer interest and pricing. As a rule of thumb, listing a home during peak times like spring or summer will attract more buyers, especially if they’re moving from colder climates. Being aware of seasonal trends can help with timing and ensure a higher likelihood of a quick, profitable sale.

Ineffective Marketing

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Relying solely on traditional marketing methods limits your reach and reduces the pool of potential buyers. To attract a broader audience, utilize online platforms, high-quality photos, and virtual tours. Engaging descriptions and professional images can make your listing stand out, increasing the likelihood of attracting serious buyers quickly.

Neglecting Curb Appeal

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First impressions matter, and the exterior of your home is the first thing buyers see. Ensure the lawn is well-maintained, and consider adding fresh paint or landscaping improvements to enhance the look. Enhancing curb appeal can significantly impact buyers’ perceptions and lead to more showings and offers.

Being Unavailable for Showings

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Limiting showing times can frustrate potential buyers, causing them to move on to other properties. Flexibility in accommodating viewing requests is crucial to attracting serious buyers. The more accessible your home is for showings, the higher the chance of attracting serious buyers quickly and receiving offers.

Not Hiring a Professional Photographer

Photo Credit: Andrii Zastrozhnov/Shutterstock

High-quality photos are essential for online listings, as poor images can deter interest.  Clear, bright images highlight your home’s features and attract more potential buyers. Preferably, hire a professional photographer with experience in real estate to make your home look its best and increase the chances of receiving offers.

Failing to Clean Thoroughly

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A spotless home is more appealing to buyers, who may be turned off by dirt and grime. Deep cleaning, including carpets, windows, and kitchens, can significantly affect how your home is perceived. A clean house signals that the property has been well-maintained, making it more attractive to buyers.

Skipping Pre-Inspection

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Conducting a pre-inspection can identify issues before buyers do, preventing surprises during negotiations. You should also always address any problems spotted here ahead of time to ensure all is well with your property. Including a report of this pre-inspection in your home listing can help you stand out, as it demonstrates transparency, trustworthiness, and seriousness. 

Overlooking Legal Requirements

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Missing crucial legal steps can derail a sale, causing delays and complications. Ensure all necessary documents and disclosures are prepared in advance to avoid last-minute issues. Consulting with a real estate attorney can help navigate the legal complexities of selling a home more easily, ensuring a smoother transaction process.

Being Emotionally Attached

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Emotional attachment can cloud judgment and lead to poor decisions during the selling process. Viewing the house as a product to be sold helps in making objective decisions. By detaching emotionally, you allow for better negotiation and presentation strategies, ensuring a smoother and more successful sale.

Setting Unrealistic Deadlines

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Unrealistic timelines can add unnecessary stress and cause missed opportunities for you and the buyers. Always allow adequate time for each stage of the selling process, including marketing, showings, and negotiations. Being patient and flexible can lead to better outcomes, ensuring that each step is completed thoroughly and effectively.

Not Vetting Buyers

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Failing to verify buyers’ financial qualifications can waste time and lead to disappointment. Ensure potential buyers are pre-approved for a mortgage before scheduling showings. Pre-approval indicates serious interest and capability to purchase, reducing the risk of deals falling through.

Ignoring Agent Advice

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Real estate agents have valuable experience and insights that can significantly impact the selling process, and ignoring their pricing, staging, and marketing recommendations can be a costly mistake. Always trust your agent’s expertise so you can facilitate a smoother and faster sale and also increase the likelihood of receiving competitive offers.

Poor Negotiation Skills

Photo Credit: Alexander Raths/Shutterstock

Inadequate negotiation can result in lower offers or missed opportunities, reducing potential profits. Being prepared to negotiate effectively ensures you get the best possible deal. For more successful negotiations, you can always start by understanding the market and your home’s value more so you can have better-informed discussions. 

Poor Communication

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Effective communication with your agent and potential buyers is crucial for a smooth sale. Delays in responses or lack of clarity can frustrate interested parties, causing them to lose interest. Always maintain open and prompt communication to ensure a smoother process and increase the likelihood of a successful sale.

Underestimating Closing Costs

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Closing costs can add up quickly and can impact your net proceeds if not accounted for. Being unaware of these expenses can cause last-minute financial strain, which in turn frustrates the process. Familiarize yourself with all potential costs, including agent commissions and taxes, to avoid surprises at closing.

Not Being Prepared for Inspections

Photo Credit: Sean Locke Photography/Shutterstock

Unpreparedness for buyer inspections can lead to delays and lost interest. On the other hand, being ready for buyer inspections demonstrates responsibility and can expedite the sale. To increase buyers’ confidence in the property and ensure a smooth process, always address all the potential issues identified during the pre-inspection. 

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