17 Devices You Should Unplug to Save Big on Utilities

Written By Jill Taylor

Unplugging appliances you aren’t using is a simple yet effective way to save on your electricity bill. Many devices consume power even when they’re turned off, leading to unnecessary energy use. By disconnecting these 17 appliances, you could significantly reduce your utility bill.


Photo Credit: Stock-Asso/Shutterstock

TVs consume power even on standby, so switching them off completely or unplugging them is the best option to save money. The BBC says, “it may be convenient to leave the television on standby and wake it up with a press of a button on a remote, but this can be expensive.”

Printers and Scanners

Photo Credit: FabrikaSimf/Shutterstock

Most people rarely use their printers and scanners, so what’s the point of leaving them on constantly? These devices continue to consume power while they’re idle. Unplugging printers and scanners can save energy and prolong their lifespan.


Photo Credit: Shutterstock

If you always leave your microwave plugged in and switched on, you could be wasting energy. The microwave’s digital display and clock constantly use electricity when left on. Make sure you unplug your microwave when it’s not in use to save on your energy bill.

Coffee Makers

Photo Credit: Nataliia Zhekova/Shutterstock

The heating elements in coffee makers can continue consuming power even when the device is turned off, so it’s important to unplug them to prevent energy usage. You could plug your coffee maker into a timer outlet to automatically disconnect the device.

Desktop Computers and Laptops

Photo Credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

Leaving desktop computers and laptops on standby uses electricity. According to The New York Times, “shutting-down a computer […] can cut energy use by 65 percent compared with leaving the device in idle mode.” So, it’s worth taking the time to unplug or shut down these devices completely to save energy.

Toasters and Toaster Ovens

Photo Credit: Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock

Similarly to coffee makers, toasters and toaster ovens heating coils can draw power even when they’re not in use. So be sure to unplug these devices to avoid unnecessary electricity consumption. It’s also safer to store toasters and toaster ovens unplugged.


Photo Credit: Robert Petrovic/Shutterstock

If you have a phone, tablet, or laptop, you inevitably have chargers for these devices, too. Don’t overlook this accessory when trying to save on your utility bill! Chargers can drain power even when they’re not connected to a device, so remember to unplug your chargers to save money.

Stereos and Sound Systems

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

Stereos and sound systems are another example of vampire devices that suck up electricity while not in use. However, you can’t keep these vampires at bay with garlic. Instead, you could consider using a smart power strip to control multiple devices and components and improve energy efficiency.

Game Consoles

Photo Credit: Rokas Tenys/Shutterstock

The Independent lists game consoles as one of the “worst culprits for energy waste.” Games consoles on standby use a significant amount of electricity, especially if controllers remain on charge or games are left downloading while the device is in rest mode.

DVD and Blu-ray Players

Photo Credit: Supermelon/Shutterstock

While not many people have DVD or Blu-ray players anymore, if you still do, you could be wasting energy by leaving these devices in standby mode. As these items are older and less energy efficient, it is vital to unplug them when they’re not in use.

Air Purifiers

Photo Credit: Prathankarnpap/Shutterstock

Air purifiers often benefit from being left running constantly to work best. However, continuous use can become very costly! If you don’t want to break the bank, you should turn your air purifier off when it’s not needed or use a timer to help manage energy usage.

Fans and Heaters

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It’s the worst feeling to be too hot or too cold, and fans and heaters can solve this problem, but at what price? Leaving your fan or heater on unnecessarily can increase your utility bill, so make sure you unplug these devices and store them away seasonally to avoid accidental usage.

Electric Toothbrush Chargers

Photo Credit: Damian Lugowski/Shutterstock

Just as other chargers can drain energy while not in use, so can your electric toothbrush charger. It’s undeniably convenient to leave your toothbrush charger plugged in and just place your toothbrush onto it when it needs charging, but to save money, always unplug your charger when it’s not being used!

Hair Dryers and Styling Tools

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

Forbes reports that “a typical U.S. home has forty products constantly drawing power [and] together these amount to almost 10% of residential electricity use.” Hair dryers and styling tools contribute to this, so make sure you unplug these after use!

Kitchen Appliances

Photo Credit: kazoka/Shutterstock

As we all have a variety of kitchen appliances, such as blenders, mixers, and other devices, the power drawn from these appliances while they’re not in use can quickly add up! Unplugging these items and storing them away can save energy as well as reduce clutter in your kitchen.

Smart Home Devices

Photo Credit: zhu difeng/Shutterstock

Smart home devices also consume energy while they’re idle, contributing to your utility bill. To make valuable savings, remember to unplug these devices so they’re not constantly in use! You can also manage your smart home devices through a central hub.

Washing Machines and Dryers

Photo Credit: Yuganov Konstantin/Shutterstock

It’s common knowledge that washing machines and dryers use a lot of energy when in use, but this energy consumption doesn’t stop completely when they’re left on standby. Make sure you turn these appliances off at the mains or unplug them entirely.

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