17 Animals That Have Incredible Superpowers

Written By Jill Taylor

The animal kingdom is filled with thousands of amazing species of mammals, reptiles, birds, and microorganisms. But some are more fascinating than others. We’ve compiled a list of 17 creatures with extraordinary abilities, showing just how incredible the natural world is!


Photo Credit: Videologia/Shutterstock

Popularly called the ‘water bear,’ the tardigrade is a microorganism that can survive temperatures of over 300°F, UV radiation, dehydration, and even the vacuum of space. It does this by entering a cryptobiotic state, in which it pauses all biological functions.

Mantis Shrimp

Photo Credit: Thierry Eidenweil/Shutterstock

The mantis shrimp’s 16 color receptors, compared to humans’ three, aren’t even the most fascinating fact about it. This crustacean is most known for its super punch, which GWR says is 50 times faster than the blink of an eye and comes with a force 100 times its body weight.

Electric Eel

Photo Credit: SNAPSY/Shutterstock

Eels have special cells called electrolytes that allow them to generate electricity, store it like a battery, and discharge it when needed. What’s awesome is how much electricity they work with. Whether it’s to communicate, hunt, or for self-defense, these creatures can let out up to 600 volts, enough to cause heart failure in humans.


Photo Credit: Iva Dimova/Shutterstock

Through the phenomenon of neoteny, axolotls retain their larval features throughout their lifetime. With their external gills, they look like something out of a fairy tale. These creatures have an extraordinary healing ability that allows them to regenerate limbs, spinal cords, and even parts of their brains without any scarring.

Bombardier Beetle

Photo Credit: kingfisher/Shutterstock

Bombardier beetles can cause serious damage to animals much larger than them, thanks to the acid spray concoction in their abdomen. Made of a mixture of hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide, the beetle is able to eject this boiling chemical into the eyes of predators with amazing precision—sometimes killing its victim.

Immortal Jellyfish

Photo Credit: Rebecca Schreiner/Shutterstock

Like every other jellyfish, Turritopsis dohrnii starts as the larvae planula. But what makes it special (and gives it the name ‘immortal jellyfish’) is that it can revert its cells to their earliest development form to restart its life cycle and avoid death. The BBC says that, theoretically, this means it can live forever.

Pistol Shrimp

Photo Credit: Vojce/Shutterstock

Also called the snapping shrimp, this crustacean has claws that are half its body size. Through them, it shoots out cavitation bubbles that produce a sound as loud as a gunshot when they burst. The bubble’s collapse also generates heat that temporarily reaches 8,000°F, which is almost as hot as the surface of the sun!


Photo Credit: DWI YULIANTO/Shutterstock

The satae on the feet of the gecko give it extraordinary climbing abilities almost unmatched in the entire animal kingdom. Thanks to these tiny hairs, geckos can walk on any surface, no matter how smooth it is—including glass—and they’re able to walk upside down, too.


Photo Credit: worldswildlifewonders/Shutterstock

From its appearance, you’ll immediately notice that the platypus comes with a mix of mammalian, bird, and reptilian traits, which in itself is fascinating. What’s more incredible, however, is that the bill of the platypus is electroreceptive. Its bill acts as an electric sensor that allows it to find prey just from its target’s muscle movements.


Photo Credit: M Anshar/Shutterstock

Octopuses are masters of camouflage, and this isn’t just because they can change color when threatened, as many animals can. Octopuses also go the extra length of changing their skin texture to fit their surroundings! They also have limb-regenerating abilities and are some of the most intelligent animals on the planet.

Dumbo Octopus

Photo Credit: Pasindhu sandeepa/Shutterstock

The umbrella octopuses, as they’re typically called, flap their huge, ear-like fins to swim around, and this is why they’re named after the cartoon elephant ‘Dumbo.’ They also live at depths 13,000 feet below sea level, and they have bioluminescent features that allow them to attract prey and deter predators.


Photo Credit: Roberto Dani/Shutterstock

The archerfish has an amazing hunting technique that gives it an extra edge. It shoots jets of water to knock down prey (insects) on tree branches. It can adjust the angle of its shot based on light refraction, which enables remarkable accuracy and precision.


Photo Credit: Rob Jansen/Shutterstock

UC Davis teaches us that hummingbirds flap their wings up to 5,400 times in a single minute, which gives them special abilities other birds can only dream of. Hummingbirds can hover perfectly in place, fly backward, and even fly upside down. Due to this, they also have the highest metabolism in the animal kingdom.


Photo Credit: irinaroma/Shutterstock

Three features make the chameleon a seasoned hunter. It can change the color of its skin to camouflage, communicate, and regulate its temperature appropriately. It also has independently moving eyes that allow it to scout for prey better. Finally, it has a tongue that extends twice as long as its body to catch food.

Peregrine Falcon

Photo Credit: Sriram Bird Photographer/Shutterstock

The Peregrin falcon is the fastest animal in the world, and Brittanica reveals that it achieves diving speeds of up to 200 miles per hour—almost as fast as the average F1 car! Its specialized nostrils also allow it to still breathe during these high-speed maneuvers.

Basilisk Lizard

Photo Credit: Don Mammoser/Shutterstock

The basilisk lizard can run on water at a staggering five feet per second, appropriately earning it the name ‘Jesus Christ lizard.’ These reptiles achieve this feat thanks to their large hind legs, and they can stay afloat running for up to 20 meters.

Sea Cucumber

Photo Credit: Jesus Cobaleda/Shutterstock

When threatened, sea cucumbers will expel their internal organs towards predators, as these organs are coated with a soap-like nerve and muscle-damaging toxin. Once the coast is clear, they simply regenerate these organs and continue living as usual. They also have the ability to liquefy themselves to fit into small cracks and crevices.

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