17 American Cities That Foreign Tourists Can’t Stand

Written By Jill Taylor

The US is a tourist haven, with many cities offering museums, parks, excellent restaurants, and welcoming residents to go with it. However, not all places in the US are like this; in fact, these 17 cities are especially known to be either dangerous, frustrating, or unfriendly to foreign visitors.

Colorado Springs, Colorado

Photo Credit: Jacob Boomsma/Shutterstock

There are many must-visit attractions in Colorado Springs, but the problem is that the city is known for having accessibility issues. Public transit systems aren’t as good as in many other cities; walking is a no-no, too, and Colorado Springs’s reputation for delayed flights only makes matters worse.

St. Louis, Missouri

Photo Credit: Joseph Sohm/Shutterstock

St. Louis has significantly higher crime rates than the national average, making it to the top of US News’ 2011 list of the most dangerous US cities. You’re advised to avoid visiting as a solo tourist, especially as a woman, in areas north of Delmar Boulevard. No wonder it has a bad reputation!

Miami, Florida

Photo Credit: B Cruz/Shutterstock

Miami is known for its beautiful beaches and the equally enticing lifestyle residents enjoy there. However, with the influx of foreign visitors comes petty property crimes concentrated in tourist areas. Foreigners also face a rampant risk of scams when it comes to accommodation, making Miami a disappointment for many tourists.

Dallas, Texas

Photo Credit: f11photo/Shutterstock

Dallas residents are very friendly, and there’s a general tolerance for diverse cultures that foreigners love. However, like Austin, the experience of visiting Dallas as a foreigner has been made terrible by stringent immigration laws, and there are no exceptions for students or intending retirees. It’s getting out of hand!

Detroit, Michigan

Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Detroit isn’t just known for its violent crimes, which have been at rates higher than national averages year-on-year; its residents are also known to be some of the rudest in the entire US! We find this hard to believe, but perhaps we need to see it to believe it.

Indianapolis, Indiana

Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Indianapolis is like Colorado Springs in that it’s difficult to access the city. Walkability and public transit are bad, and driving is dangerous, especially during the holiday season. However, unlike Colorado Springs, there aren’t many attractions here to keep tourists or foreigners entertained, so what’s the point!?

Chicago, Illinois

Photo Credit: Christian Hinkle/Shutterstock

Murder, robbery, and assault are what foreigners, understandably, cry home about after visiting Chicago. The crime here is so bad that Fox reports the city’s violent crime rates to be 701% higher than the national average! It’s still worth a visit, but we can see why Chicago has a bad reputation.

Seattle, Washington

Photo Credit: Always Wanderlust/Shutterstock

Seattle has a diverse population, but it isn’t the most friendly city, as it’s filled with busy people. Alongside residents who many claim come off as snobbish, you’ll also have to deal with scams concentrated in tourist areas. It’s a shame because otherwise, Seattle has a lot going for it.

Providence, Rhode Island

Photo Credit: Mihai Andritoiu/Shutterstock

Crimes do occur in Providence, but they’re too low for foreigners to be worried about. The problem here is that residents are often unfriendly, suspicious about strange faces, and can apparently be rude. Brown University is also the only attraction for foreigners, so visits are often disappointing.

Memphis, Tennessee

Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Foreigners flock to Memphis because of its attractions, which consist of the Memphis Zoo, the East Coast Music Festival, and the Memphis Rock and Soul Museum. Despite this, Forbes ranks it as its worst city for holiday travel, as Memphis has the highest crime rates in the US. Yikes.

New Haven, Connecticut

Photo Credit: f11photo/Shutterstock

Home to the prestigious Yale University, New Haven isn’t known to be violent, but the city’s property crimes aren’t particularly friendly to visitors. Cities like Fair Haven and Newhallville have a reputation for being targeted, and the Yale campus is deemed the only place foreigners are truly free.

Baltimore, Maryland

Photo Credit: Kevin Ruck/Shutterstock

If you’ve ever watched The Wire, you’ll know why Baltimore made this list. Baltimore’s absurd crime rate, mostly drug-related, has made its residents particularly wary of strange faces. It doesn’t matter if you’re visiting alone or even as a group; Baltimore is dangerous, which scares away many tourists.

Los Angeles, California

Photo Credit: Engel Ching/Shutterstock

Los Angeles is surprisingly one of the safest US cities to live in, but there are complaints about the city’s travel experience. Driving here is terrible due to unfavorable weather conditions and traffic, and the public transport system is relatively poor. Getting around the city can be pretty nightmarish for foreigners.

Austin, Texas

Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Austin residents (and Texas residents in general) are some of the friendliest you’ll find in the US, but the government, specifically its stringent immigration policies, isn’t so friendly. The border crisis is to blame for this, and the Washington Post shares that laws are so stringent that even US citizens’ rights are affected.

Jacksonville, Florida

Photo Credit: ESB Professional/Shutterstock

Alcohol and drug-related crimes run rampant in Jacksonville, with its midwest areas and downtown being particularly dangerous. The restaurant experience here isn’t as fulfilling as most would like either, and residents in Jacksonville also love to keep to themselves. Sadly, this all contributes to the city’s bad reputation.

St. Paul, Minnesota

Photo Credit: LAM-Photography/Shutterstock

Foreigners find it frustratingly difficult to secure US citizenship while living in St. Paul. Application processes keep getting more time-consuming, and wait times in Minnesota are now at an average of 18 to 24 months! This may not bother tourists, but St. Paul has a terrible reputation with immigrants.

Fresno, California

Photo Credit: Jacob Boomsma/Shutterstock

Finally, Fresno, California, is at the top of our list of US cities with bad reputations. There’s little green space, the air quality sucks, and general neglect has caused the poverty rate to rise to a staggering 22%! We hope Fresno can get some TLC because, under the thorns, there’s a lot of love in this city.

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Photo Credit: Eric Glenn/Shutterstock

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