17 Reasons Why People Are Packing Up and Abandoning Texas

Written By Jill Taylor

Texas is a fantastic state rich in culture, but a few things about it these days are putting people off from moving there and even causing them to leave. Here are 17 reasons people are getting out of Texas.

Economic Concerns

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According to SmartAsset, certain urban areas in Texas, such as Austin, Houston, and Dallas, are very expensive to live in right now. Taxes are really high across the board, making it challenging to afford to live there. Plus, healthcare and education are also expensive.

Extreme Weather

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Texas is prone to some of the most extreme weather conditions in the U.S., and because of the effects of global warming, this problem is only getting worse. This is causing people to leave in numbers! They don’t want their houses to burn down or be swept away.

Urban Overcrowding

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Some believe there are too many people in the urban areas of Texas. The major cities, like Austin and Houston, are indeed becoming pretty crowded, and that’s just too much for some people. The traffic can also be a nightmare, and people aren’t willing to put up with that anymore.

Job Market Challenges

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The Texas Tribune reports that the unemployment rate in Texas is amongst the worst in the country. While they try to put a positive spin on this by saying that it’s a sign of a growing economy, the fact of the matter is that it’s hard to get a job there now.

Education System Concerns

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Recently, public education in Texas has been facing increasing criticism regarding its funding and quality. For young families looking for a good school for their children, this is proving to be a problem that is enough to make them want to leave the state.

Property Taxes

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Texas is becoming increasingly unaffordable for many residents due to the rising property taxes there. On top of the high cost of buying a home in the first place, this tax is proving to be one expenditure too far, so people are deciding to leave.

Health Care Issues

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Did you know that Texas also has higher healthcare costs than some other states? Considering the state’s other raised prices, this is just another financial complication that’s causing people to think twice about living in Texas.

Rising Crime Rates

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A report from the Texas Department for Public Safety showed that violent crime rates increased substantially in 2019, and it’s likely that there have been further growths since then. The bottom line is that Texas just isn’t a very safe place to live.

Environmental Concerns

Photo Credit: David Pereiras/Shutterstock

Another factor for people relocating from Texas is the high pollution levels in the cities. The air and water quality have taken a dive in recent years, which has caused people to get pretty fed up and decide to leave.

Political Climate

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Texas has always been known for its polarizing and contentious political climate. Many arguments between Democrats and Republicans in the state can create a toxic atmosphere, which some people would rather avoid.

Infrastructure Strain

Photo Credit: Dudarev Mikhail/Shutterstock

The population growth in Texas has put a lot of strain on the infrastructure. Too many people in the state have led to issues with the roads, public transport, and other utilities, so residents have been moving to states with better infrastructure.

Quality of Life

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Many believe that the quality of life in Texas has taken a turn for the worse overall. Issues such as noise pollution, lack of green spaces, and urban sprawl have affected daily living in many parts of the state.

Housing Market Volatility

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Numbers from the Texas Real Estate Research Center show that house prices in the state fluctuate substantially year after year. There might be a massive jump in one city at the same time as a large drop in another, and this can make it hard to settle.

Climate Change Impact

Photo Credit: Aliaksander Karankevich/Shutterstock

Texas is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change beyond stormy weather. Increasing temperatures and environmental degradation are significant concerns for locals, so much so that many have decided to move on. We can understand why people might want to stay away from that!

Cultural Shifts

Photo Credit: beeboys/Shutterstock

Several shifts in Texas’s demographics have impacted the state’s culture throughout history. Unfortunately, this has caused some of the older residents to want to leave for cultures more aligned with their preferences.

Retirement Destinations

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As people age, they’re likely to seek milder climates and lower costs of living for their retirement budgets. As such, extreme weather and high property taxes tend to drive retirees to other states. Plus, there’s better healthcare to be found elsewhere.

Personal Safety Concerns

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The rising crime rates and safety issues in some areas of Texas impact residents’ personal sense of security. Sadly, violent crime figures have risen a lot over the past few years, and that’s enough to scare many residents into leaving for another, safer state.

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