18 Reasons Why Pit Bulls Make Better Pets than You Think

Written By Jill Taylor

Many dog owners who haven’t read up on Pit Bulls might dismiss them as dangerous and scary. But this lovable dog breed doesn’t deserve its bad reputation. These are 18 reasons why you should reconsider your stance on Pit Bulls.

Incredibly Loyal

Photo Credit: Mary Swift/Shutterstock

Families who adopt a Pit Bull will be getting a canine friend who will always stick by their side. The Spruce Pets says that “pit bull-type dogs often face unfair discrimination” and that they “are usually incredibly loving, loyal, and gentle with their family members.” Their devotion makes them perfect for families.

Great With Kids

Photo Credit: SeventyFour/Shutterstock

Despite their bad reputation, Pit Bulls are actually very patient and gentle with children. A well-trained and socialized Pit Bull will happily play with and can be quite protective of younger family members. As with any dog, they should be supervised around younger kids.

Naturally Affectionate To People

Photo Credit: eva_blanco/Shutterstock

Pit Bulls thrive on companionship and interaction with their owners and will often actively seek human affection. Potential owners who want a dog that will be content to cuddle up on the couch with them should consider a Pit Bull, as their love for people is undeniable.

Highly Trainable and Intelligent

Photo Credit: elbud/Shutterstock

These dogs are also excellent options for those who want to put time into training their new dog. Pit Bulls are quick learners who can remember a variety of commands and tricks. With a good owner, a Pit Bull will be a well-behaved and obedient family pet.

Excellent Therapy Dogs

Photo Credit: Irina Bg/Shutterstock

The Animal Foundation states, “there can be no doubt that pit bull terriers can be good therapy dogs.” An appropriately trained Pit Bull will excel at therapy work thanks to their naturally calm and affectionate nature. There are many Pit Bulls working as therapy dogs across the U.S. in hospitals and care facilities.

Lots Of Energy

Photo Credit: Brezhneva.od/Shutterstock

Active dog owners will be delighted by the Pit Bull’s high energy levels, which can easily keep up with energetic families. They love outdoor activities like running, hiking, and even games of fetch in the park. These dogs make excellent jogging companions and can accompany you on every step of your fitness journey.

Playful And Goofy

Photo Credit: Photography by Adri/Shutterstock

Many Pit Bull owners know that this dog breed is notoriously clownish and goofy. If there was an official comedian in the dog world, it would definitely be the Pit Bull. Their playful personalities can brighten up any household instantly.

Low Maintenance

Photo Credit: Martin Smith/Shutterstock

They might be big personalities, but Pit Bulls aren’t divas. Compared to some other dogs, Pit Bulls are quite low maintenance as their short coats only require minimal grooming. They’ll be more than happy with regular brushing and the occasional bath after a muddy outing.

Great Guard Dogs

Photo Credit: Lunja/Shutterstock

Unfortunately, Pit Bulls’ naturally protective instincts are often exploited by owners with bad intentions. However, these instincts also make them effective guard dogs who will quickly alert you to any unusual activity. Their loyalty means they’re always eager to try and keep you safe.

Highly Social

Photo Credit: Nata Bene/Shutterstock

For any dog to behave well with others, it needs to be socialized properly and early. Pit Bulls are very social dogs who love the company of their canine friends and even other animals. When they’re properly introduced to others, they’ll get along really well.

Versatile Skills

Photo Credit: Sashulity/Shutterstock

Although their eligibility for some dog sport competitions may need to be checked in advance, Pit Bulls have the versatility to perform in many different sports. Pet Health Network advises that “if you think the muscular, sleek appearance of pit bulls indicates superior athleticism, you’re right.”

Easily Adaptable

Photo Credit: dogboxstudio/Shutterstock

In most situations, a Pit Bull can easily thrive. They can’t be left out in the cold for too long like some long-haired dogs, but they can adapt to an apartment just as well as a larger house and will love living in either a city or the country and everywhere in between.

Strong Work Ethic

Photo Credit: bluedog studio/Shutterstock

Historically, Pit Bulls have been used for all sorts of working purposes due to their hardworking and diligent personalities. They worked alongside the military in the World Wars and have been used for hunting, herding, and as guardians. Nowadays, these personality traits make them reliable partners for all sorts of activities.

Form Deep Emotional Connections

Photo Credit: Annette Shaff/Shutterstock

People who own Pit Bulls often notice that they can be very emotionally sensitive dogs that catch onto their owners’ feelings. They can provide emotional support for their families and connect with their owners easily, making them great companions for all sorts of households.

Resilient Nature

Photo Credit: Diego Thomazini/Shutterstock

Both physically and emotionally, Pit Bulls are resilient. Even when they experience setbacks in training, they can maintain a positive demeanor and refuse to give up. As long as you can keep up with them, Pit Bulls will always keep trying to learn a new trick or command.

Community Ambassadors

Photo Credit: Crystal Alba/Shutterstock

Many well-trained and well-behaved Pit Bulls can become ambassadors for their community. Organizations like ‘The American Dog Breeders Association’ also help out, which Britannica suggests “is fostering the positive features of the American Pit Bull Terrier, such as its loyalty, dedication, and athleticism.”

Gentle Giants

Photo Credit: Matthew Lyon/Shutterstock

Pit Bulls might be muscular and athletic dogs, but they’re also capable of being gentle and caring when they’ve been raised well. They’re soft and loving to their families, and their tough exteriors can be deceptive, hiding their gentle dispositions.

Owning Them Can Change Perceptions

Photo Credit: everydoghasastory/Shutterstock

Finally, you have to consider that being a well-informed and educated owner with a well-mannered and socialized Pit Bull will help to change perceptions. Many Pit Bulls end up in animal shelters due to the stigma around them and owners with bad intentions. Responsible ownership can highlight Pit Bulls’ true, loving natures.

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