18 Ways You’re Practically Inviting Burglars into Your Home

Written By Jill Taylor

Nobody wants to think about the possibility of a home invasion happening to them. However, to keep your family and valuables safe, you do need to think about how to prevent your home from being an easy target. Here are 18 things to check in order to keep your house safe from burglars.

Leaving Your Doors Unlocked

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The days of being able to leave your doors unlocked are long behind us. A report by the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics found that “in 40% of unlawful entries to unoccupied residences, offenders gained access through an unlocked door or window.” An unlocked door is a huge welcome sign for burglars.

Hiding Your Spare Key In An Obvious Place

Photo Credit: Inna Vlasova/Shutterstock

Hiding a spare key under your welcome mat might be helpful for when your teenager loses their keys again, but burglars know about many common hiding places. Fake rocks and plant pots also won’t be a good defense. Instead, leave your spare with a trusted neighbor or in a secure lockbox.

Posting Vacation Plans/Pictures On Social Media

Photo Credit: Kicking Studio/Shutterstock

By posting updates about your upcoming vacations, you’re practically giving burglars a plan to steal from your home when you’re not there. Be very careful with your privacy settings so that only close friends know when you’ll be gone, and hold off on posting vacation snaps until after you get home.

Not Having Outside Lights

Photo Credit: Casezy idea/Shutterstock

Outdoor lighting doesn’t just make your house look nice at nighttime – it can also be a highly effective deterrent for burglars. Dark porches provide easy cover for criminals, but motion-activated lights can be enough to send them away. Of course, they’re also nice to have for aesthetic purposes!

Forgetting To Lock Your Windows

Photo Credit: Artazum/Shutterstock

Just like doors, your windows need to remain locked when there’s no one home. It’s so easy for a burglar to slip in through an open window, and unlike unlocked doors, windows are often left slightly ajar. This is especially important for first-floor windows, but higher windows shouldn’t be forgotten either.

Letting Your Yard Become Overgrown

Photo Credit: Imagenet/Shutterstock

The rewilding look can be great for the local environment, but it’s also a sign to burglars that you may not have been home for a while or that the house is vacant. Overgrown bushes are good hiding spots for unwanted visitors, so it’s best to keep on top of your yard work.

Leaving Garage Doors Open

Photo Credit: Alan Budman/Shutterstock

CBS News Colorado reported that in “70 percent of all home burglary cases, the thieves get in through an open garage door.” Don’t become part of the statistic – always close your garage door, even when you’re home. A burglar could get inside, steal your valuables, and leave before you even realize it.

Not Putting Up Security System Signs

Photo Credit: Artazum/Shutterstock

In addition to having an alarm system, signs of a security system can deter would-be burglars. Putting up several so that they can be seen from all angles is an excellent idea to dissuade a burglar, no matter which way they approach.

Not Getting Security Cameras

Photo Credit: Photographicss/Shutterstock

A good security system for your house should also include security cameras. Their physical presence can discourage burglars, and they’re useful for spotting lurking criminals. Well-placed security cameras can also identify ‘porch pirates’, or thieves who target left-out parcels on porches.

Having Valuables On Show

Photo Credit: Falcon Eyes/Shutterstock

Leaving large or expensive electronics, jewelry, or cash in places that can be seen through your windows is to burglars what a lamp is to a moth. The Telegraph suggests that “leaving valuables on show” is a “typical blunder” that people make that attracts burglars.

Not Securing Sliding Doors

Photo Credit: A.Flassig/Shutterstock

Unfortunately, sliding doors are often less secure than standard exterior doors. Their locks can be easy to break for burglars, so protect them with a security bar or rod to stop anyone from gaining entry to your home. There are many different types and brands of locks specifically for sliding doors.

Not Changing The Locks When Moving In

Photo Credit: Inna Dodor/Shutterstock

Moving into a new house or apartment can be exciting and stressful, so don’t forget about changing the locks to your new place. Previous owners, tenants, or even contractors could have copies of the keys. To keep your home private and secure, change the locks as soon as you move in.

Disabling Your Alarm System

Photo Credit: Daniel Jedzura/Shutterstock

Alarm systems often need to be set and disabled regularly, but if you leave your system disabled when you’re out then you could be leaving your home vulnerable to a break-in. Try to get in the habit of setting your alarm every time you go out, even if it’s just a short journey.

Ignoring Your Neighborhood Watch Program

Photo Credit: AlessandroBiascioli/Shutterstock

Many local areas will have neighborhood watch programs that not only deter criminal activity but also keep you informed of any suspicious goings-on. If you ignore your local neighborhood watch, you might miss out on crucial information, and they’re also useful for reporting any criminal activity you witness to keep your neighbors safe.

Leaving Your Ladders And Tools Outside

Photo Credit: Greg McGill/Shutterstock

Burglars can’t usually walk around with ladders under their arms, limiting their options for accessing houses. But if you leave your ladders and tools in your front or back yard, then you’ve just solved that problem for them. Your own belongings could be used against you to gain access to your house.

Leaving Sheds Unlocked

Photo Credit: Paul Maguire/Shutterstock

The San Jose Police Department strongly advises you to “always lock your garden sheds.” Although it’s one step better than having a ladder in your front yard, leaving your tools in an unlocked shed isn’t great. Thieves will check the sheds for valuable tools, which they can steal and use to gain entry to your house.

Forgetting To Close Your Curtains Or Blinds

Photo Credit: Pasakorn Hansetagan/Shutterstock

Whenever you leave your blinds or curtains open, you invite burglars to check on the contents and layout of your home. This can help them case your house and plan a break-in, making you an easy target. Always cover your windows when you’re not home, and consider frosted windows for extra privacy.

Having A Nameplate On Your House

Photo Credit: Himchenko.E/Shutterstock

While having your family name on your house’s nameplate or mailbox can be a lovely sight, it’s not a good idea for security. You’re providing burglars with personal information that they can use to scope out your social media. There, they’ll scour your profiles to find vulnerabilities and plan their attack.

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Photo Credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

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