18 Amazing Things Coca-Cola Can Do Besides Quench Thirst

Written By Jill Taylor

Did you know that Coca-Cola is used by some people as a form of contraceptive? Well, this is only one of the things you can do with it aside from drinking it with your favorite meals. Here are 18 other surprising uses of Coca-Cola and some directions to follow.

Clean Toilets

Photo Credit: Pavel Adashkevich/Shutterstock

The phosphoric acid in Coca-Cola is useful for two things when it comes to toilets. First, it helps to break down and dissolve stubborn stains on the toilet seat. Second, it acts as a mild disinfectant that kills some bacteria. A side benefit from these is that Coca-Cola also neutralizes toilet odors.

Pest Control

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

When it comes to pest control, Coca-Cola can help you trap and even kill some tiny nuisances in the garden. The sugar in it is a great bait for ants, while the acidity levels make sure that snails and slugs don’t survive after being submerged in it. The Guardian reports on how farmers in India turned to it as a cheaper alternative to traditional pesticides.

Remove Rust

Photo Credit: Bela Zamsha/Shutterstock

Coca-Cola dissolves rust, too, thanks to the phosphoric acid in it reacting with iron oxide. The best method for this is to soak your rusted metals in Coca-Cola for 12 to 24 hours. The best part is that you can also safely apply it to anything, whether it be cookware, tools, or car parts.

Polish Chrome Objects

Photo Credit: Hanjo Stier/Shutterstock

Do you have a chrome-plated object, like car bumpers or light fixtures, that seems blurry when you look at it? Coca-Cola can help you get back its shine. All you have to do is apply Coca-Cola to a clean cloth or aluminum foil, rub the chrome surface thoroughly, and then rinse any residue off when you’re done.

Clean Pots and Pans

Photo Credit: Malisa Nicolau/Shutterstock

Coca-Cola’s carbonation and phosphoric acid can help you with the dishes. If you have tough, burnt-on stains, it’s best to soak your dirty dishes in Coca-Cola overnight. This will loosen or even dissolve the stains and residue. After this, you simply wash them off!

Defrost Windshields

Photo Credit: Arturs Budkevics/Shutterstock

Coca-Cola, particularly its acidity, can also help melt ice on your windshield faster than pouring regular water. The application is simple: All you have to do is bathe your windshield with it. Coca-Cola is also a safer bet than other potentially harmful chemical products on the market.

Relieve Jellyfish Stings

Photo Credit: Henryp982/Shutterstock

A Stanford Medicine paper lists Coca-Cola, alongside old wine, alcohol, and certain specialized commercial products, as an effective antioxidant against box jellyfish stings. While carbonation can help control redness and swelling, it’s the acid in it that relieves you of pain and neutralizes the venom.

Shine Coins

Photo Credit: Bukhta Yurii/Shutterstock

Soaking your tarnished coins in Coca-Cola can help you restore their shine—and you can achieve this after only a few minutes! However, you have to be cautious here. While the carbonation and acids in Coca-Cola loosen dirt, they also have the potential to dissolve metals. So this means you can’t leave coins in it for too long.

Remove Blood Stains from Fabric

Photo Credit: HalynaRom/Shutterstock

If you’ve had stubborn blood stains on some of your clothes, Coca-Cola can also be of help. You can pour Coca-Cola on stains before throwing them into the washing machine, and you don’t have to worry about the acids destroying your clothes.

Clean Car Battery Terminals

Photo Credit: Nor Gal/Shutterstock

Coca-Cola can also help dissolve corrosion and remove rust around your battery terminals to improve connectivity. To do this, pour some of the product around the battery posts and then use a strong (preferably iron) brush to scrub away.

Loosen Bolts and Screws

Photo Credit: pzAxe/Shutterstock

By dissolving rust and corrosion, Coca-Cola can also help you loosen bolts and screws that don’t seem to budge. It even goes further to act as a mild lubricant for when you’re already rotating them, and you can go ahead to wash screws with Coca-Cola to ensure they don’t seize up again.

Fertilize Plants

Photo Credit: Tint Media/Shutterstock

Thanks to its sugar content, you can also pour Coca-Cola into the soil where your plants grow to give them a quick nutrient boost. Some confirm that it’s perfect for gardenias, azaleas, and grass. For the best result, apply about 15 to 20 ml of it at regulated intervals on the base of the plant.

Clean Mirrors

Photo Credit: Prostock-studio/Shutterstock

Coca-Cola is also a great product to use on mirrors, windows, or any other glass surfaces without leaving streak marks. Mersec directs us to spray some Coca-Cola on a clean rag or cloth, wipe the glass surface, and then use warm water to clean afterward so that the surface doesn’t become sticky.

Remove Gum from Hair

Photo Credit: Anton Dios/Shutterstock

If you have ever had gum stuck in your hair, you know how difficult it is to remove it! Coca-Cola can be a quick solution, and the best part is you don’t need to yank or cut your hair off to get it out. You only need to soak the affected part of your hair in it for a few minutes, which dissolves the gum and makes it slide off easily without suffering any damage.

Clean Grout

Photo Credit: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

After (or preferably before) your regular floor cleaning routines, you can also pour Coca-Cola on the grout between the tiles to remove stains and discoloration. Combining the acids in it with strong scrubs using a brush can help whiten or at least brighten anywhere else you have grout in your home.

Neutralize Skunk Odor

Photo Credit: Jemini Joseph/Shutterstock

The egg-like odor from skunk sprays can be pretty annoying, as they last for up to two weeks. Thankfully, Coca-Cola is able to break down the chemical N-butyl mercaptan, which is responsible for this. Business Insider shares that you can safely use it on your pets as well and follow up with a thorough, soapy wash and rinse.

Tenderize Meat

Photo Credit: Mironov Vladimir/Shutterstock

Coca-Cola’s acids can also break down the proteins and fibers in meat, making it more tender to cook or eat. This is a common feature in Southern cooking recipes, where it’s often added in long, slow brines or used as a sauce or marinade for beef and pork.

De-grease Engines

Photo Credit: Photology1971/Shutterstock

You’ll also find Coca-Cola to be of great help if you’re planning to remove grease from your different car parts, but of course, you’ll also have to scrub it well. The mild acidity of Coca-Cola, especially when you wash it off right after, makes it a safe choice that ensures you don’t dissolve the metal parts of your engine.

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