19 Overhyped Things You Buy That Aren’t Worth the Money

Written By Jill Taylor

It’s easy to fall into the trap of spending too much on products that don’t live up to the hype. Many purchases are a waste of money, from the latest technology to fashion trends. Here are 19 overrated items that might not be worth your cash.

Designer Clothing

Photo Credit: Laura Rivas/Shutterstock

Designer clothing often comes with a hefty price tag marked up because of the brand name instead of the quality. Many designer trends go out of style quickly, making expensive items outdated within a short period. You can often buy more classic, good-quality clothes from less expensive, lesser-known brands.

Extended Warranties

Photo Credit: Stokkete/Shutterstock

Many extended warranties come with fine print that limits what is actually covered by the warranty. Modern products are generally designed to last past the typical extended warranty period, and the warranty cost can often be more than the repair costs, especially for electronics.

Premium Fuel

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Only a tiny percentage of cars benefit from premium fuel over regular, and most cars’ performance enhancements are minimal. Business Insider states, “AAA found that modest improvements in horsepower and fuel economy weren’t worth the extra cost of premium fuel.”

Latest Smartphones

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Don’t fall for the hype! The upgrades and improvements made to smartphones from one model to the next can be pretty slim. Despite this, new releases are typically priced ridiculously high. Smartphones also lose their value quickly as newer models are released so frequently.

Fitness Equipment

Photo Credit: MMD Creative/Shutterstock

It’s easy to fall for the new trendy fitness equipment and its promise to help us get fit. However, you will usually spend much more on trendy fitness equipment than a gym membership or basic home equipment, only to leave it collecting dust in your garage.

Bottled Water

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You always see rich people on TV drinking bottled water, but is it worth it? In many places, tap water is just as safe and clean as bottled, not to mention much cheaper! Also, drinking bottled water can have significant environmental effects due to plastic waste and transportation.

Gourmet Coffee from Cafes

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The new popular thing is getting fancy coffees from gourmet cafes. These coffees can be significantly marked up compared to home-brewed coffee, and the expensive purchases will begin to add up over time! Stick to making your coffee at home.

Fast Fashion

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Fast fashion makes it easy to get the next trend cheaply, but these items are often bad quality and don’t last long. The need to continually buy new clothes also harms the environment, as the BBC points out that “the fashion industry is responsible for 8-10% of global emissions.”

Dietary Supplements

Photo Credit: Elnur/Shutterstock

Science doesn’t back many dietary supplements, as their benefits are often not proven. The supplement industry is actually less regulated than other food and drug products, which means they can get away with more questionable things. For example, some dietary supplements can pose health risks if taken incorrectly or when not necessary.

Cable TV Subscriptions

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The hype about cable TV subscriptions has been dying down in recent years; however, many people still feel like they’re essential. With cable subscriptions, you often pay for channels you don’t want or need while streaming services can be cheaper and more flexible.

High-End Cosmetics

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Similarly to designer clothing, you often pay more for the brand than the product with high-end cosmetics. You’re better off buying drugstore brands! Many drugstore brands offer similar products that are just as good quality for a fraction of the price. 

Branded Painkillers

Photo Credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

If you’re bad with pain, listen up! Often, branded painkillers use the same active ingredients as generic painkillers and are only more expensive because of the brand name. If you need pain relief, The Guardian says, “the generic fast-acting forms will do it just as effectively as the expensive brands in their fancy packaging.”

Luxury Cars

Photo Credit: Hrebeniev Vladyslav/Shutterstock

Everybody wants a flashy car, but are they worth the money? Luxury cars tend to lose value faster than economy models, and their performance isn’t much different from well-made, non-luxury vehicles, which sell for a much lower price. The cost of parts and insurance for these cars is also extortionate!

Over-the-Top Weddings

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Your wedding is often the best day of your life, but you don’t need to get into debt by going crazy! There’s a lot of social pressure to make your wedding as extravagant as possible, but smaller, more personal weddings can be just as memorable and far less expensive.

Latest Gaming Consoles

Photo Credit: Rokas Tenys/Shutterstock

Gaming consoles have high initial prices that usually drop after the hype has died down, so just wait it out! New models often leave older consoles obsolete as people flock to the latest release. Many games are available online and on mobile that are much cheaper or even free.

Organic Produce

Photo Credit: BGStock72/Shutterstock

The health benefits of organic produce over conventional produce are highly debated. Despite their unproven benefits, organic produce typically costs significantly more than traditional options. This more expensive produce is also frequently less available than non-organic produce and usually spoils faster.

Speciality Kitchen Gadgets

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Many expensive, complex kitchen gadgets are rarely used and just clutter your kitchen space. The New York Times suggests that “very few gadgets are any improvement on a sharp knife, a good source of heat and a dexterous pair of hands.” So, stick to the basics!

Timeshare Properties

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Timeshare properties are associated with the wealthy; however, you should avoid this overhyped concept. Exiting timeshare contracts is often tricky, and the fees usually escalate over time. Timeshares can also be quite restrictive regarding when and how you can use the property.

Over-the-Top Baby Gear

Photo Credit: Milana Gutesa Bozo/Shutterstock

Baby gear always has a short lifespan, as your baby quickly grows out of things, so spending a lot of money on items for your baby seems pointless. You can easily find cheaper alternatives that serve the same purpose at a lower cost.

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