18 Old Fashioned Traditions That Are Unthinkable In Today’s Society

Written By Jill Taylor

Some traditions we used to value are now outdated, and this change shows how society has progressed and our values have shifted. Here are 18 old customs that now seem totally strange and hard to believe in today’s world.

Arranged Marriages as a Norm

Photo Credit: PeopleImages.com-Yuri-A/Shutterstock

In the past, families used to set up marriages for social or financial reasons. Today, choosing your own partner is seen as a basic right. For example, New World Encylopedia writes, “Traditional arranged marriages became less common in the twentieth century, with the majority of young people in most cultures selecting their own spouse.” 

Child Labor in Factories

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During the Industrial Revolution, kids worked long hours in unsafe conditions. Thankfully, today’s laws and ethical standards protect children from that kind of exploitation. Now, the focus is on education and ensuring their safety and well-being, allowing them to grow up in a healthier and more supportive environment.

Public Executions as Spectacle

Photo Credit: Federico Magonio/Shutterstock

It’s hard to believe today, but executions were big public events with lots of spectators. Nowadays, most people see this as cruel and outdated. Society prefers a more private and controlled way of delivering justice, focusing on fairness and humanity instead of spectacle, reflecting our changing values about punishment and human rights.

Smoking Indoors Everywhere

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Smoking indoors was once totally normal, even in places like restaurants and offices. Nowadays, strict rules and better awareness of health risks have made indoor smoking a thing of the past. People are more focused on creating healthier environments for everyone to enjoy.

Formal Dress Codes Daily

Photo Credit: G-Stock Studio/Shutterstock

Many people don’t know that wearing formal clothes, like hats and gloves, used to be a must for going out. Now, casual and comfy outfits are what people prefer, showing how much our views on fashion and formality have changed over time. It’s all about feeling good and being comfortable in what you wear these days.

Segregation by Race

Photo Credit: Lijphoto/Shutterstock

Not that long ago, racial segregation used to be a legal reality in many places, leading to unfair treatment and inequality. Today, laws and social movements focus on promoting inclusivity and equality for everyone. As a result, segregation is now seen as completely unacceptable and goes against the progress we’ve made towards fairness.

Dowries in Marriage

Photo Credit: kunanon/Shutterstock

Dowries were once essential for marriage deals. However, as gender equality and women’s independence have become more important, the idea of dowries has become outdated. Nowadays, many people see them as unnecessary, focusing instead on partnerships built on mutual respect and equality rather than financial exchanges.

Lack of Women’s Rights

Photo Credit: CameraCraft/Shutterstock

Throughout history, women had few rights and were mostly expected to stay at home. The struggle for gender equality has changed that, leading to a society where women now enjoy the same rights and freedoms as men. This progress has opened up many more opportunities for women in all areas of life.

Corporal Punishment in Schools

Photo Credit: J Walters/Shutterstock

Now completely banned, physical punishment used to be a common way to discipline students in schools. Nowadays, it’s largely rejected because people recognize it can cause harm. Instead, schools focus on more positive and respectful ways to guide behavior, promoting a healthier learning environment for everyone involved.

Sending Children to Workhouses

Photo Credit: Riccardo Mayer/Shutterstock

The Victorian era was well known for orphans and poor kids being sent to workhouses, where life was tough. Thanks to welfare programs and child protection laws, those places are gone today. Now, we focus on keeping kids safe and helping them grow, making sure they have a better chance at a happy life.

Homosexuality as a Crime

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In many places, being gay was once illegal and looked down upon. Thankfully, people are becoming more aware of LGBTQ+ rights, which has led to a better understanding and acceptance of same-sex relationships. This change has helped remove the legal and social penalties that affect those in the LGBTQ+ community.

Bloodletting as Medical Treatment

Photo Credit: kipgodi/Shutterstock

Luckily, medicine has significantly improved, and doctors no longer believe that letting blood out helps cure sickness. Thanks to progress in medical science, we now know that this method doesn’t work. Today, we have better treatments are based on solid evidence, which helps people get healthier in more effective ways.

Animal Sacrifices in Rituals

Photo Credit: Serenity Images23/Shutterstock

Surprisingly, there’s a lot to learn about animal sacrifices in history. These were common parts of religious and cultural rituals. Modern views on animal rights and ethical treatment have largely ended such practices, favoring more humane expressions of faith and tradition.

Sending Children to Boarding School Permanently

Photo Credit: Dejan Dundjerski/Shutterstock

You’d never guess that it was once customary for children to spend their entire education at boarding schools, away from family. Today’s emphasis on family bonds and diverse educational experiences has made permanent boarding less prevalent, with more parents wanting to watch their children grow up. 

Public Shaming for Minor Crimes

Photo Credit: Lopolo/Shutterstock

Something that was seen as completely normal was that people accused of minor crimes were often publicly humiliated as punishment. Current legal systems focus on rehabilitation and privacy, considering public shaming an archaic and ineffective approach that is inhumane.

Unregulated Food and Drug Safety

Photo Credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

Health and safety was never a thing before modern regulations. Food and drugs were sold without oversight, leading to widespread health issues. Today, stringent safety standards and regulations protect consumers from harmful substances, and we can eat foods without a worry.

Forced Conformity in Personal Appearance

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Society once dictated strict norms for personal appearance, including hair and clothing styles. We can all agree that we have a lot more freedom nowadays. Individual expression and diversity are now celebrated, allowing people to freely choose their appearance without fear of judgment.

Strict Gender Roles

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There used to be a huge emphasis on strict gender roles, which dictated every aspect of life, from careers to household duties. Progress toward gender equality has blurred these lines, allowing people to pursue their interests and careers regardless of gender.

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