20 Things to Make a Perfect Morning Routine, According to Experts

Written By Jill Taylor

Kicking off your day right can make a big difference, and experts suggest creating a morning routine can help you become energized, focused, and ready for anything. Here are 20 ways to make your mornings the highlight of your day and ensure a great start.

Rise Early for a Calm Start

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According to Healthline, getting up early has many benefits, such as having more time for yourself, spending less time in traffic, and even getting more sleep. This quiet time can also help you think things through and set goals. Early risers usually have more time for self-care, a good breakfast, and planning the day.

Hydrate Immediately

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Did you know that drinking water right after you wake up refills your body’s fluids after a night’s sleep? It gets your metabolism going, helps with digestion, and clears your mind. Drinking water as soon as you wake up is such an easy habit to start and can really improve your health and energy levels.

Practice Mindfulness or Meditation

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Most people don’t realize that starting your day with mindfulness or meditation can really help you chill out and focus better. Just a few minutes of deep breathing or a guided meditation can clear your head and set a positive vibe for the day. This simple habit boosts your mood and mental sharpness.

Stretch or Exercise

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It’s so important to add some physical activity to your morning routine, as it boosts your energy and mood. Whether it’s a workout, yoga, or just stretching, moving helps you wake up and get ready for the day. Plus, regular exercise has so many long-term health perks.

Eat a Balanced Breakfast

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Let’s face it, we all know that a healthy breakfast gives your body and brain the energy they need to work well. You should try to eat a mix of protein, good fats, and complex carbs to keep your energy up. A balanced meal helps you stay focused and get things done all morning.

Plan Your Day

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Nothing is more beneficial than spending a few minutes planning your day to boost productivity and cut down on stress. Jot down your main tasks and priorities, then schedule them in a list to keep track. This simple habit keeps you organized and focused on what matters most.

Practice Gratitude

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You may already be aware that starting your day with gratitude can boost your mood and attitude. Just take a minute to think about what you’re thankful for, which could be while making coffee or brushing your teeth – it can really make you feel more positive.

Avoid Digital Distractions

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We don’t need to be logging onto our social media accounts as soon as we wake up. Cutting back on screen time in the morning can boost your focus and lower stress, so instead of grabbing your phone, spend that time on self-care or planning.

Take a Cold Shower

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Okay, so this one may sound like an absolute nightmare, but cold showers actually wake you up and lift your mood. The cold water gets your blood flowing and can strengthen your immune system. Adding this to your morning routine can give you a refreshing jumpstart to the day.

Read or Listen to Something Inspirational

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We should all try to make a little time for some inspirational reading, and starting your day this way can boost your mood and energy. Whether it’s a book, podcast, or motivational speech, positive media in the morning can be just the thing to keep you on track. 

Write a Journal Entry

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This activity isn’t just for the end of the day. In fact, journaling can help you process your thoughts and emotions ready to start the day so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Writing about your goals, dreams, or reflections can provide clarity and insight.

Set Daily Intentions

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It’s worth noting that setting intentions helps you focus on what matters most. Take a moment to think about what you want to achieve and how you want to feel throughout the day. This practice can guide your actions and decisions, leading to a more fulfilling day.

Practice Deep Breathing Exercises

Photo Credit: Esther Pueyo/Shutterstock

If you’re struggling with time, then deep breathing exercises are something you can incorporate into meditation. They’re able to calm your mind and body, leading to reduced stress and anxiety and better relaxation and mental clarity. Incorporating deep breathing into your morning routine can help you start your day with a sense of peace and focus.

Tidy Up Your Space

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Don’t we all hate coming home to a messy living space? A clean and organized environment can enhance your mental clarity and productivity and also make you feel more relaxed in the evening. Take a few minutes to tidy up your living or working space in the morning.

Listen to Music

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Whether you drive or take public transport to the office, try listening to music as a way to boost your mood on the way to work. Choose uplifting or calming tunes to create the ambiance you need to start your day positively. This practice can enhance your overall well-being and set a joyful tone for the morning.

Review Your Goals

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This doesn’t have to take more than a minute, but reviewing your short-term and long-term goals can keep you motivated and focused. Remind yourself of what you’re working towards and why it’s important. This habit can provide direction and purpose, helping you stay on track with your aspirations.

Spend Time in Nature

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Even just spending a few minutes outside can improve your mood and energy. Fresh air and natural light can have a rejuvenating effect, making you feel more awake and alert. This practice can also reduce stress and enhance your overall sense of well-being.

Connect with Loved Ones

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Even if it’s just a quick hello, connecting with family or friends in the morning can provide emotional support and happiness. A quick conversation or message can strengthen your relationships and improve your mood. This habit can set a positive and supportive tone for your day.

Practice Positive Affirmations

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It’s often said that positive affirmations can boost your confidence and mindset, and repeating encouraging statements can help you focus on your strengths and potential. This practice can increase your self-esteem and prepare you for the challenges and opportunities of the day.

Enjoy a Hobby or Creative Activity

Photo Credit: Ljupco Smokovski/Shutterstock

While we all have commitments, engaging in a hobby or creative activity in the morning can bring joy and relaxation. Whether it’s painting, writing, or playing an instrument, dedicating time to something you love can enhance your mood and start your day on a positive note. This habit nurtures your creativity and overall happiness.

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Photo Credit: Jacob Boomsma/Shutterstock

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