The Bible is a moral guide for Christians; its stories and teachings help us live as God wants, doing good deeds and rejecting sin. If you want to live a truly devout life, according to the Bible, here are 10 things that are good and 10 that are bad.
Benevolence is one of the Bible’s most integral teachings. Jesus famously taught people to ‘love thy neighbor,’ encouraging us to be benevolent and care for, support, and protect others. He was kind, and we should follow his example to create meaningful relationships and make ourselves feel good.
Being Lustful
Lust is frequently condemned in the Bible, and it’s considered very differently to love. According to Learn Religions, lust is bad because it pulls us away from God and encourages sexually immoral lifestyles. Lust is a gateway to adultery, fornication, and seduction, all things that the Bible rebukes.
Helping Charities
Christians are known for being charitable and generous, which gains them biblical approval. Many inspiring Bible stories include acts of charity, such as the Good Samaritan helping the injured traveler or Jesus feeding 5,000 hungry people. We are encouraged to emulate this behavior now to live holy lives.
Being Arrogant
While the Bible incites us to commit good deeds, it condemns us to boast about them. Arrogance is sinful because it is fueled by pride, not the warm feeling we get when we do something good. The Bible cautions that arrogant people will be shamed, whereas humble people will be rewarded.
Fostering Friendship
The world can sometimes be cruel, but friends make this more bearable. Jesus gave a beautiful example of the importance of friendship through his disciples. Though they helped his holy work, they also loved and admired him, and we should all strive to do the same. Good friendships are a blessing.
Gambling and Avarice
Technically, the Bible doesn’t explicitly say gambling is bad, but it frequently criticizes people who love and value money over their faith and well-being. Bible Study Tools teaches that the Bible cautions against pursuing wealth through dishonest means and being tempted by a lust for money. Gambling violates these rules.
Offering Forgiveness
Forgiveness is one of the most prevalent biblical teachings. God forgave humanity, so He sent Jesus to us as a sacrifice for our sins. Jesus forgave his executioners while he was crucified, encouraging us to turn the other cheek even when we’ve been wronged. Though it’s tough, forgiveness is a virtue.
Getting Tattoos
Tattoos are only mentioned once in the Bible in Leviticus 19:28, but many have latched onto this passage as evidence that we shouldn’t get tattoos. It teaches that we should not ‘print any marks’ on our skin, and ultimately, Christians believe our bodies are temples that shouldn’t be defaced.
Being Obedient
Obedience runs throughout the Bible, with well-known figures, including the Virgin Mary, Joseph, Noah, and Moses, all obeying God and entrusting their fates to Him. The Bible recommends that we all be similarly obedient by embracing our faith and following biblical examples of holy behavior.
Expensive Jewelry
The Bible does not condemn all jewelry, but it criticizes expensive jewelry, which symbolizes everything wrong with being ostentatious. Peter 3:3 warns against ‘the putting on of gold jewelry,’ and Timothy 2:9 denounces ‘gold, pearls or costly attire.’ God cares about what’s inside our hearts, not the price of our jewels.
Singing Hymns
Churchgoers sing hymns together to celebrate their shared beliefs, something the Bible approves of. Desiring God cites several Psalms in which humans are encouraged to sing to connect with God, including Psalm 100, which teaches that we will ‘come into his presence with singing.’ Through song, we bond and praise.
While the Bible encourages us to defend our faith, it disapproves of quarreling. After all, only God can judge us, so we shouldn’t attempt to do His work. Timothy 2:23-26 specifically warns us to refrain from ‘foolish and stupid arguments’ because God wants us to be patient and teach others our faith.
Wearing Perfume
Perfume has many holy purposes in the Bible; most prominently, it’s used to anoint Jesus’ feet and head in the four gospels, preparing him for his upcoming burial. The perfume symbolizes honor and comfort, two traits we should all attempt to embody in our daily lives.
Being a Hypocrite
The Bible teaches us to be kind and honorable through our words and actions, so there is no place for hypocrisy. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus warns his disciples against hypocrisy because it can and will be used against them. Hypocrisy also makes it impossible for us to love everyone equally.
Repenting for Our Sins
Repentance is one of the Bible’s foundational teachings. While it’s bad to sin, we can rectify our mistakes by repenting and asking God’s forgiveness. Jesus died on the cross so we might find salvation, and we must repay his sacrifice by repenting our wrongs and not repeating them.
Getting Drunk
The Bible may mention wine, but it specifically condemns drunkenness. Christianity Today explains that moderate alcohol use was acceptable to Jesus, but drunkenness is considered a sin. People regularly commit immoral acts when drunk, which distracts them from their faith and encourages a sinful lifestyle.
Getting Married
Marriage is incredibly important in the Bible and the current Christian faith. When we marry, we make vows to each other before God, and He joins us together, setting us on the path of a good life together. God made Adam and Eve husband and wife, emphasizing how important it is to Him.
Seeking Vengeance
Though the world is filled with evil, the Bible is firmly against vengeance. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus teaches that when hit on one cheek, we should ‘turn to him the other also.’ This means we should never seek vengeance, even when we’ve been wronged, and instead embrace Christian pacifism.
Working Hard
The Bible contains many inspiring stories about hard-working people, including Moses, Peter, Paul, and Mary Magdalene. They were all rewarded for their labor, and we will be, too. In the Book of Genesis, God explicitly commands us to work hard all week and then rest and pray on Sundays.
Finally, dishonesty is one of the most sinful traits in Christianity. In the Bible, liars always receive their comeuppance, including the traitor Judas Iscariot, who claimed to love Jesus despite betraying him. Being dishonest distances us from God and makes it difficult to truly worship Him, so just tell the truth; it’s far easier, anyway.
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