21 Items That Will Get You Pulled Aside at Airport Security

Written By Babatunde Sanni

Traveling through airport security can be stressful, and having unauthorized items in your bag makes it all the more annoying. So that you can have a smooth traveling experience, we’ve compiled 21 items you should be very careful carrying with you.

Liquids Over the Limit

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Many people forget that there are always limits to the amount of liquid you can have in carry-on bags. And according to the TSA, this limit is typically set at 3.4 ounces and sometimes even less for some items.

It’s essential to check that every container, both large and small, doesn’t contain liquid that exceeds the necessary limits.


Photo Credit: Eric Glenn/Shutterstock

Fireworks and other explosive materials are strictly prohibited in both carry-on and checked luggage. Attempting to bring them through security can lead to serious consequences, including fines of more than $75,000, according to the FAA. It’s best to leave these items at home to avoid any issues at the airport.

Sharp Objects

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For security reasons, checkpoints also have a strict stance against sharp objects like scissors and knives that can be used to cause serious injury to other passengers. Not only are these confiscated, but sometimes you may even be subject to further questioning about your intent with them.

Always keep any seemingly sharp object in your checked luggage.

Sports Equipment

Photo Credit: Roman Motizov/Shutterstock

Like CNN shares, although you may have basketballs and soccer balls with you, “certain large sporting goods and equipment, such as golf clubs or hockey sticks, are not allowed in carry-on luggage.” You should leave these in your checked luggage instead to avoid any delays.

Wrapped Gifts

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Wrapped gifts can cause delays at security checkpoints, too. Security officers may need to unwrap them for inspection, especially if the contents are unclear on the scanner. To avoid this and make your security clearance more seamless, wait until you arrive at your destination to wrap presents.

Snow Globes

Photo Credit: Stephanie Frey/Shutterstock

Like CBC shares, snow globes aren’t allowed on flights either. These items often exceed the liquid limit, and the liquid inside can also cause confusion on the scanner, causing them to be flagged. If you wish to travel with a snow globe, pack it in checked luggage or ensure it meets restrictions, like containing less than 60 ml of liquid.

Food Items

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Although many food items are allowed through security, some can cause issues. Sauces, soups, and certain solid foods might be flagged, and foods that appear suspicious or are difficult to identify can lead to additional screening. It’s wise to check TSA guidelines on any food item before packing it to take with you.


Photo Credit: Neirfy/Shutterstock

Laptops, tablets, and other electronics often require separate screening as well, and this is because these items can clutter the scanner, making it harder to identify other objects. Place all electronics in separate bins as you approach the checkpoint to expedite the process and avoid unnecessary delays.


Photo Credit: Mikhail Olykainen/Shutterstock

Certain types of batteries, especially lithium ones, can also raise concerns at security checkpoints. Batteries must be properly packed, and loose batteries should be placed in carry-on bags. And ensure that any spare batteries are securely stored to prevent short-circuiting and to comply with airline regulations.

Medical Equipment

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Travelers carrying medical equipment, such as CPAP machines or oxygen tanks, often face additional screening. If you use one of these medical devices, inform security officers about it before you pass through the scanner. Having the necessary documentation and prescriptions readily available can help make the process even smoother.


Photo Credit: Ajdin Kamber/Shutterstock

Bringing alcohol through security can be tricky. Bottles larger than 3.4 ounces are not allowed in carry-on bags. Additionally, duty-free purchases must be sealed and accompanied by a receipt. Familiarize yourself with the rules regarding alcohol to avoid having your prized bottles confiscated.


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Small tools, such as screwdrivers and wrenches, are often flagged at security checkpoints too. These items can be seen as potential weapons and may be confiscated. You should pack any tools in your checked luggage to avoid delays and ensure they make it to your destination safely.


Photo Credit: Body Stock/Shutterstock

Perfume bottles often exceed the liquid limit and can be flagged during security checks. If you wish to travel with perfume, USA Today says that you’ll need to put it in a clear, quartz-sized bag for easy screening or pack it in checked luggage. This ensures you won’t have to part with your favorite fragrance at the checkpoint.

Aerosol Cans

Photo Credit: ccpixx photography/Shutterstock

Aerosol cans, such as hairspray and deodorant, are subject to the 3.4-ounce limit and can be flagged during screening. Pack any larger aerosol cans in your checked luggage. Familiarize yourself with the restrictions on aerosols to ensure compliance with TSA regulations.

Self-Defense Items

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

Items like pepper spray, stun guns, and brass knuckles are not allowed in carry-on bags. These items are flagged as potential weapons and can cause significant delays. Pack self-defense items in your checked luggage or leave them at home to avoid complications at security checkpoints.

Toy Guns

Photo Credit: Lucky Business/Shutterstock

Toy guns, even those clearly marked as toys, can cause confusion and delays at security. These items often resemble real weapons on the scanner. To avoid unnecessary scrutiny, pack toy guns in checked luggage or leave them at home if possible.


Photo Credit: The Image Party/Shutterstock

While one lighter is allowed in carry-on bags, additional lighters or certain types of lighters, like torch lighters, can be flagged. Check TSA guidelines regarding lighters to ensure compliance and pack any extra lighters in checked luggage.

Nail Clippers

Photo Credit: comzeal images/Shutterstock

While most basic nail clippers are allowed, more complex tools may be confiscated. For instance, nail clippers with built-in files or blades can be flagged at checkpoints for the safety of other passengers. Check TSA guidelines and pack any clipper with potentially dangerous additions in checked luggage to avoid delays.

Gel Inserts

Photo Credit: everythingforall/Shutterstock

Gel shoe inserts can be flagged as liquids during security screening, and sometimes they may even be confiscated. And although shoes with built-in gel heels are allowed, you’ll also need to take them off for screening. They’re only allowed in checked luggages and it’s best to always opt for non-gel inserts when going through the airport.


Photo Credit: lapas77/Shutterstock

Wearing large pieces of jewelry or those containing metals can set off alarms and cause delays at security. To avoid this, pack them in your carry-on luggage or remove them before passing through the scanner. One other way to prevent unnecessary delay is to opt for jewelry pieces with minimal metal parts.

Non-Prescription Medication

Photo Credit: Adul10/Shutterstock

Certain non-prescription medications, especially those in liquid form, can also be flagged during security checks. Pack any liquid medications in compliance with the 3.4-ounce rule and place them in a separate, clear bag for easy screening. Doing this helps you avoid delays and also ensures your medications remain with you.

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