18 Animals That Wolves Are Afraid Of

Written By Babatunde Sanni

Wolves are one of the most terrifying creatures to encounter in the wild. But this doesn’t mean all other animals are afraid of them. Whether it be because of their strength, size, or special defense features, here are 18 such animals that even wolves try to avoid.

Grizzly Bears

Photo Credit: Danita Delimont/Shutterstock

Given their sheer size, grizzly bears are formidable opponents for wolves. And National Geographic reveals that this is especially true when wolves stroll into their territory. An adult grizzly can weigh up to 790 lbs., which is over seven times the size of the average adult wolf, and a violent confrontation can lead to severe injury or death.

Siberian Tigers

Photo Credit: Vladimir Wrangel/Shutterstock

Siberian tigers have incredible strength and agility, and they’re apex predators capable of easily overpowering a wolf. Although wolves are known to scavenge for their kills, they never try to get violent with these 500-pound predators with 2,500-pound muscle strength and four-inch canines.

American Bison

Photo Credit: Darren Baker/Shutterstock

A wolf pack may attempt to hunt a bison. However, they often avoid direct confrontations due to the risk of serious injury, and this is evident in a Fox report of two American bison fending off wolves. The American bison, also known as buffalo, is a massive and powerful animal that uses its herd mentality to its advantage against predators.


Photo Credit: Sergii Figurnyi/Shutterstock

Elephants, with their enormous size and strength, are creatures that wolves instinctively avoid. An elephant’s sheer mass and powerful trunk can cause fatal injuries to any predator, and wolves know better than to challenge these gentle giants, preferring to keep a safe distance instead.


Photo Credit: Michael Liggett/Shutterstock

Moose are one of the largest members of the deer family and can be very dangerous when threatened. Their powerful legs and sharp hooves make them formidable opponents for wolves, and you’ll often see wolves choose to hunt smaller, less dangerous prey instead whenever they can.

Mountain Lions

Photo Credit: moosehenderson/Shutterstock

Also known as cougars, mountain lions are solitary and highly skilled predators that wolves find intimidating. These big cats have powerful muscles, sharp claws, and keen hunting skills, making them capable of defending themselves even against a wolf pack, which is why individual wolves understandably avoid direct confrontations.

Brown Bears

Photo Credit: BMJ/Shutterstock

Brown bears, similar to their grizzly cousins, are powerful and aggressive animals that can also easily overpower any wolf they encounter. Their size and strength make them formidable opponents, and wolves are well aware of the dangers of engaging with these bears, especially when it comes to tussles for food.


Photo Credit: Vladimir Wrangel/Shutterstock

Wolverines, despite their small size, are animals known for their ferocity and strength, as well as their ability to hold their ground against much larger predators. They have well-developed muscles in their necks and shoulders, and wolves respect the wolverine’s fighting ability and will usually avoid unnecessary confrontations with them.

Cape Buffalo

Photo Credit: Iv Nikolny/Shutterstock

Found in Africa, the Cape buffalo is known for its aggressive behavior and powerful build. It’s an animal that can easily fend off wolf attacks with its sharp horns and strong body, and wolves generally avoid tangling with these formidable creatures, particularly when they’re seen in herds.


Photo Credit: 2630ben/Shutterstock

Rhinoceroses, with their massive size and thick skin, present a significant challenge for wolves too. Science Focus shares that they weigh up to 4,000 pounds and can move objects that weigh up to 2,000 pounds. Their powerful horns and aggressive nature make them even more dangerous adversaries.


Photo Credit: Iv-olga/Shutterstock

Giraffes, while seemingly gentle, can be quite dangerous to wolves due to their powerful kicks, with strength measuring up to 2,000 psi. A single well-placed kick from a giraffe can cause severe injury or death to a wolf. Wolves understand the potential danger and prefer not to engage with these tall, strong animals.


Photo Credit: Ondrej Prosicky/Shutterstock

Hippos are among the most dangerous animals in Africa, and wolves are well aware of their deadly reputation. Their massive jaws and aggressive behavior make them formidable opponents, and the most dangerous area for wolves is around water bodies frequented by hippos, from which they steer clear of these lethal creatures.

African Lions

Photo Credit: YOGESH BHATIA PHOTOARTIST/Shutterstock

African lions are apex predators of the wild, praised as the kings of the jungle, that wolves instinctively avoid. These respected cats, with their strength and hunting prowess, can easily overpower a wolf, and a wrong move into an African lion’s territory can lead to a deadly confrontation for wolves.

Komodo Dragons

Photo Credit: Erni/Shutterstock

Komodo dragons, with their powerful jaws and venomous bites, are creatures that wolves would rather not mess with as well. These large reptiles can inflict serious internal and external harm to their victims, and given their large size too, wolves try to avoid unnecessary conflicts.


Photo Credit: Giedriius/Shutterstock

BBC’s Discover Wildlife reveals that, relative to its size, the jaguar has the strongest bite of all big cats. Jaguars are solitary predators known for their strength and powerful jaws, which can crush the skulls of their prey, and the presence of a jaguar can make wolves rethink their hunting grounds.

Bighorn Sheep

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Bighorn sheep, known for their impressive horns and agility, can be dangerous opponents for wolves. Their ability to navigate rugged terrain and defend themselves with powerful headbutts make them intimidating. Wolves often seek easier prey to avoid the risks associated with attacking bighorn sheep.


Photo Credit: gualtiero boffi/Shutterstock

Hyenas, with their strong jaws and pack mentality, are formidable adversaries for wolves, too. These scavengers can defend themselves effectively against wolf attacks and even challenge wolf packs for food, and an encounter with them usually results in injury or a loss of resources for the wolves.

Wild Boars

Photo Credit: Martin Prochazkacz/Shutterstock

Wild boars also have sharp tusks and come with an aggressive personality, and these make them scary to wolves, too. These creatures can inflict serious injuries with their tusks, making them dangerous prey—wolves often steer clear of them to avoid the apparent risks associated with hunting them.

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