16 Things Christians Do That Non-Believers Find Annoying

Written By Jill Taylor

Some Christians worldwide engage in certain behaviors that those outside the religion find very irritating. For Christianity to keep its good name, it’s best that followers of the religion avoid these 16 behaviors to ensure that non-believers don’t get annoyed.

Judging Non-Believers

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Bible Gateway quotes 1 Corinthians 5:12: “It is not my business to judge those who are not part of the group of believers. God will judge them, but you must judge those who are part of your group.” So, Christians need to stop judging those who aren’t Christian!

Assuming Everyone Shares Their Beliefs

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Not everyone in the world is a Christian! For Christians to believe this is inherently wrong can make people feel uncomfortable. Christians, in fact, need to do the opposite and assume that someone isn’t Christian unless it’s made clear that they are.

Pushing Religious Views Aggressively

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Non-believers find it irritating when Christians push their faith in any kind of way, let alone when they do it too aggressively. This can feel like an attack on their personal beliefs and choices, so it’s best to be very gentle if you decide to discuss beliefs.

Using Religious Language Excessively

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Most people don’t really want to be spoken to in a religious way, so it’s best to leave the religious language to church or at least to conversations with friends who are also Christians. The bottom line is that overusing religious jargon can alienate those unfamiliar with it.

Inviting Non-Believers to Church Too Often

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If you’ve invited someone to church one time and they’ve said no, the chances are that the answer isn’t going to be a yes when you ask a second time round. Constant invitations to church can feel pressuring and intrusive, so make sure to let people decide for themselves.

Criticizing Other Religions

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There’s really no reason to make negative comments about other religions. Everybody’s beliefs should be respected, and criticism against them will only cause hostility and anger. Christians should show respect for diverse spiritual paths and focus on common values with others instead.

Being Hypocritical

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Christians might not be conscious of their hypocrisy, but it’s easy to slip into it. This can frustrate non-believers, as they know how much the Bible condemns hypocrisy. OpenBible shows 100 verses on hypocrisy, each condemning it. Consistency in words and actions is crucial for Christians.

Focusing on Conversion Over Relationship

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Friends come first, and we should never try to convert someone more than we value our friendship with them. It’s manipulative, and it puts your friendship at risk. Remember, non-believers value authentic relationships just as much as anyone else, and they don’t want hidden agendas.

Condemning Modern Lifestyles

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The world is moving forward at a tremendous pace, and Christians who spend too much time criticizing that in favor of a simpler, more ‘biblical’ time are going to get on the nerves of anyone who doesn’t believe. It can seem like Christians are out of touch with contemporary issues otherwise.

Isolating from Non-Believers

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Christians sometimes isolate themselves from non-believers and refuse to spend time with anyone who isn’t also a Christian. This is objectively wrong for many reasons, not least of which because it creates an ‘us vs them’ mentality that Christians should really be trying to avoid.

Pretending to Have All the Answers

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Jason Romano talks about being a Christian who believed he had everything figured out, but it almost got him killed. We’re not saying that all Christians who pretend to have all the answers will experience that level of danger, but it will at least irritate some non-believers.

Using Fear Tactics

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Trying to scare people into faith with threats of hell or anything to that effect is often counterproductive and just downright mean. Christians shouldn’t be trying to create a negative or scary image of religion; it should be about peace and happiness.

Condescending Attitude

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Simply acting in a condescending way is naturally going to make anyone feel annoyed, not least non-believers. We all know how inferior we can be made to feel when talked to in a condescending way, so it’s not good to use religion to echo that.

Avoiding Tough Questions

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As we have already discovered, Christians might not have all the answers, but that doesn’t mean they should try to avoid all the tough questions in life. Non-believers appreciate honest and thoughtful dialogue, and when questions are avoided, Christians seem evasive.

Not Listening

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Desiring God says that good listening is a “great means of grace in the dynamic of true Christian fellowship.” If listening can bring you closer to God, it should be done. This includes listening to non-believers, even if they’re saying something you don’t necessarily want to hear.

Expecting Immediate Change

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Change takes time at the best of times, so to expect someone to change from a non-believer into a Christian in an instant is never going to work out well. Christians should be patient with the process rather than rushing people into anything.

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