19 Things You Should Never Have in Your Bedroom

Written By Jill Taylor

Your bedroom should be a sanctuary for rest and relaxation, but certain items can disrupt your sleep and impact your overall well-being. By removing these 19 unnecessary things from your bedroom, you can create a more serene and healthy environment.

Electronic Devices

Photo Credit: Neirfy/Shutterstock

The NCBI says, “there is now abundant evidence that the use of electronic devices at night can adversely impact sleep behavior, resulting in sleep loss, irregular sleep-wake patterns, poorer sleep quality, and EDS.” Blue light from screens can also interfere with melatonin production, and electromagnetic fields may affect health.


Photo Credit: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

We’re all guilty of letting clutter build up in our bedrooms, but did you know it can actually be bad for your health? Clutter is known to increase stress and anxiety levels, and it makes it harder for you to relax and unwind, which can contribute to a poor quality of sleep.

Work-Related Items

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It’s essential to keep your work at work and not let it encroach on your relaxation time! Having work-related items in your bedroom can blur the boundary between work and rest. While trying to sleep, your mind will remain active and focused on work tasks.

Uncomfortable Mattress

Photo Credit: amenic181/Shutterstock

This one almost goes without saying! An uncomfortable mattress can negatively impact your sleep and reduce your overall sleep quality. It can cause you to be restless and wake up frequently during the night. Bad mattresses can also lead to poor sleep posture and back pain.

Bright Colors

Photo Credit: Neil Podoll/Shutterstock

We all want to decorate with our favorite colors, but be wary about using bright colors in your bedroom! Vibrant colors will interfere with a bedroom’s calming atmosphere and can cause feelings of restlessness and anxiety. Bright colors also stimulate the mind, making falling asleep harder.


Photo Credit: Nicoleta Ionescu/Shutterstock

Keeping food in your room, whether a packet of cookies or a few crumbs on a dirty plate, can attract pests and insects (ew). Eating in bed can also lead to poor digestion and sleep. The Cleveland Clinic states, “it’s best to stop eating about three hours before going to bed.”

Exercise Equipment

Photo Credit: Juice Flair/Shutterstock

You don’t want to associate the place you sleep with exercising and working out! Having exercise equipment in your room turns your sleep space into a multi-purpose room, reminding you of unfinished tasks and workouts. It can also make your bedroom feel cluttered and chaotic.

Harsh Lighting

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Harsh lighting is too bright for a relaxing environment like a bedroom. Having bright lights on when it gets dark in the evening can disrupt your body’s natural circadian rhythm and make it more difficult for you to wind down and prepare for sleep.

Loud Alarm Clocks

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A lot of us rely on alarms to wake us up in the morning, especially if it’s early! However, loud alarm clocks can cause stress and anxiety when you wake up, and waking up abruptly can make you feel groggy and unrefreshed. Their bright displays can also disrupt your sleep.


Photo Credit: Artazum/Shutterstock

Mirrors are essential when getting ready, but you shouldn’t keep them in your bedroom! Mirrors reflect light and movement and cause restlessness and unease, which can disturb your sleep. According to The Spruce, Feng Shui “experts believe that negative energy can reflect off of mirrors and settle in your room.”

Books and Magazines

Photo Credit: LightField Studios/Shutterstock

Storing stacks of books and magazines in your bedroom can create clutter, which stimulates your mind and makes it harder for you to fall asleep. Having books and magazines easily accessible in your bedroom will also encourage you to read late into the night!


Photo Credit: Gladskikh Tatiana/Shutterstock

I know it’s hard to say no to your adorable pets, but try to keep them out of your bedroom! Pets can disrupt your sleep with their movements and noise. Having your pet in your bedroom may also contribute to allergies and poor air quality.

Indoor Plants

Photo Credit: tete_escape/Shutterstock

Some plants can emit carbon dioxide at night, affecting the air quality when sleeping. Indoor plants can also potentially attract insects and pests, which you don’t want in your relaxing space. Maybe stick to fake plants to add that bit of greenery to your bedroom!

Overly Warm Bedding

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Using bedding that is too warm can cause you to overheat and sweat during the night. This reduces your comfort, can lead to restless nights, and possibly causes skin irritation. Make sure you pick bedding that keeps you at a comfortable temperature, and only use warm bedding when necessary.

Synthetic Fabrics

Photo Credit: viktoriia borovska/Shutterstock

You should avoid using synthetic fabrics in your bedroom, especially if you have problems with contact dermatitis, as they may cause skin irritation or allergies. In addition, the NPR says that “synthetic fabrics do tend to be riskier when it comes to […] hazardous chemicals,” which sounds pretty scary!

Too Many Pillows

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It might look luxurious to have a collection of pillows and cushions on your bed; however, it isn’t the most practical idea! Too many pillows can clutter your bed, making it harder to relax. They can also force you into an uncomfortable sleeping position that may lead to neck and back pain.


Photo Credit: Tero Vesalainen/Shutterstock

We all wished for a TV in our bedroom when we were younger. Be careful what you wish for! The blue light it emits affects your melatonin production and sleep cycle. Watching TV in bed also keeps you up later than intended.

Perfumes and Scented Products

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

It’s best not to use perfumes and other scented products in your bedroom, as certain smells can be overwhelming and interfere with the relaxing atmosphere. Strong scents can also cause headaches and allergies; some synthetic fragrances may even contain harmful chemicals.


Photo Credit: Evgeny Atamanenko/Shutterstock

We can all get a bit lazy sometimes, and our laundry can start to pile up! Make sure you keep your laundry pile outside your bedroom, as it can add to clutter and create a sense of disorganization, which increases stress and thoughts about unfinished chores.

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Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: PERO studio/Shutterstock

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