19 Simple Ways to Reduce Grocery Costs by 50% Without Coupons

Written By Jill Taylor

Grocery shopping can be a huge expense for many families, but there are ways to reduce how much you spend every time you go to the store. Most people think of coupons, but they’re not the only option. Here are 19 easy methods to make your grocery shopping cheaper.

Planning Your Meals Before You Shop

Photo Credit: Simone Hogan/Shutterstock

Going into the grocery store armed with a plan of meals for the week – or month – is one of the best ways to save money, and it doesn’t have to be difficult either. CNN Underscored recommends “meal planning apps” which are “a cost-effective and efficient way to customize an appealing weekly menu.”

Bulk Buying Your Food

Photo Credit: Dusan Petkovic/Shutterstock

It may sound counterintuitive, but buying more food at once can save you money in the long run. This works best for long-lasting foods like rice, pasta, and anything in a can. Wholesale stores like Costco or Sam’s Club can be excellent options, although they do need memberships.

Cooking From Scratch

Photo Credit: Always Say YESS/Shutterstock

When you go to the grocery store, you should try to avoid pre-packaged meals and convenience foods. These are not as good value for money as buying ingredients and making food yourself. Plus, home-made meals can often be more healthy than pre-prepared ones.

Bringing a List

Photo Credit: SOLOVEVA ANASTASIIA/Shutterstock

You don’t have to actually write a list down on paper – your phone’s notes app should be fine – but a list can help you avoid impulse buys. By keeping yourself focused on buying only what you need, not what you want, you can bring down the bill for your grocery shopping.

Comparing Prices

Photo Credit: 06photo/Shutterstock

There are several ways to add price comparisons to your grocery shopping routine. Comparing prices between stores before you head out can help you make the best choice, and you should always compare different brands when you’re in the store to see if you’re getting the best deal.

Buying Generic Brands

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Most of us know that generic medication brands are usually just as good as their name-brand counterparts. But the same often goes for generic or store-brand food. The Washington Post reports that “once retailers began to offer options that undercut name-brand prices … cost-conscious shoppers opened up to them.”

Avoiding Pre-Cut Fruits And Vegetables

Photo Credit: JHVEPhoto/Shutterstock

Pre-prepared meals aren’t the only grocery store item you need to watch out for. Pre-cut fruits and vegetables may seem like a time-saving option, but how long do you actually spend chopping up their whole alternatives? The savings on price are more than worth the slightly longer preparation time.

Using A Price Book

Photo Credit: McLittle Stock/Shutterstock

Just like with meal-planning and grocery lists, you can find many digital versions of price books available on your phone. Using one means that you can track the prices of the foods that you buy most often and see whether they’re going up or down.

Growing Your Own Food

Photo Credit: Tint Media/Shutterstock

What better way to reduce your grocery bill than growing your own food? Making the most of your backyard can mean that you get your own vegetables, herbs, and fruits, so you don’t have to spend any money on them at the grocery store.

Keeping Seasons In Mind

Photo Credit: BGStock72/Shutterstock

Some fruits and vegetables are cheaper when they’re in season, so it’s best to meal plan with this in mind. You can even buy fruits and vegetables in bulk when they’re in season and then freeze them or can them so that you can enjoy them all year.

Not Eating As Much Meat

Photo Credit: Natalia Lisovskaya/Shutterstock

Meat might be one of the most beloved food groups across the U.S., but more and more people are embracing vegan, vegetarian, and other plant-based diets. Some of the more affordable protein sources aren’t meat at all – you might want to switch beef or chicken for beans, lentils, or eggs.

Making The Most Of Your Leftovers

Photo Credit: Adrian Luca/Shutterstock

Another important thing to consider when meal planning is leftovers. You can use one day’s dinner as the next day’s lunch and even get a bit creative with your leftover ingredients to reduce waste. This can also save you some time in the kitchen.

Shopping at Discount Stores

Photo Credit: doublelee/Shutterstock

AP News found that “Aldi plans to add 800 of its discount grocery stores across the U.S.” to “capitalize on cost-conscious Americans feeling the pinch at grocery stores.” Discount grocery stores can be a lot cheaper than regular stores and may have good quality store-brand foods at low prices.

Buying Ingredients For Slow Cooker Meals

Photo Credit: Geber86/Shutterstock

The slow cooker is an amazing appliance for batch-cooking large amounts of meals that can be eaten throughout the week. When meal planning, you should consider making the most of slow cooker meals, as the ingredients can be cheap and the cooking process is pretty much effortless.

Considering Frozen Fruits and Vegetables

Photo Credit: Ahanov Michael/Shutterstock

You may find that frozen fruits and vegetables in your local grocery store are cheaper than the fresh options, and they are usually just as nutritious. You can also stock up on frozen fruits and vegetables if they’re on sale and then use them gradually throughout the year.

Never Shopping When You’re Hungry

Photo Credit: Drazen Zigic/Shutterstock

Always try to shop on a full stomach. Otherwise, you’ll be more likely to make impulse purchases. Eating a meal or snack before you go grocery shopping can help you stay focused on your list and reduce the temptation to buy unnecessary foods.

Shopping At Farmers’ Markets

Photo Credit: Rawpixel.com/Shutterstock

Buying fruits and vegetables at farmers’ markets is an excellent way to support your local farming community, and they can sometimes be cheaper. Make sure you’re looking for in-season options and make the most of any deals you can get by bulk buying.

Using Reusable Bags

Photo Credit: Kwangmoozaa/Shutterstock

Forbes states that “legislative policies and business strategies like removing plastic bags from stores seem to be the most effective means of reducing plastic in our environment.” But reusable bags aren’t just better for the environment – you’ll save a little bit of money and may even get a discount at some stores.

Avoiding Processed Foods

Photo Credit: beats1/Shutterstock

Lastly, you should try to avoid processed foods when you’re at the grocery store. They’re not great for your health, but they can also be more expensive than whole foods. When you’re cooking meals from scratch to save money, processed foods should definitely be given a miss.

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Photo Credit: PERO studio/Shutterstock

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