17 Teachings from the Bible That Atheists Can Also Learn From

Written By Jill Taylor

Even though the Bible may not be more than a historical account of past nations to you, we can’t deny that it does have some teachings that we can learn from and morals worth adopting in life. Here are 17 of these teachings that even atheists can’t fault.

Treat Others the Way You Want to Be Treated

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One of the biggest lessons that many remember from the Bible and carry into their everyday lives is to treat others as they would like to be treated. This can ensure mutual respect and fairness in the relationships with your loved ones and with people in general. This is a teaching from Matthew 7:12 that also encourages reciprocity—albeit of good deeds—and peaceful coexistence with others.  

Do Not Judge Others

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Matthew 7:1–3 promotes open-mindedness and respect for diversity by explaining how judging others brings attention to our own flaws. No one is ever perfect, and with these verses, everyone can learn to be more tolerant and live in more inclusive societies. 

Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

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As shared by the University of Michigan, the Bible, through Mark 12:31, implores us to love our neighbors as ourselves. This verse encourages tolerance, kindness, and consideration toward others and also helps to promote a sense of communal unity and harmony.

Forgive Others

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Learning to forgive others isn’t letting them off lightly. Instead, what you’re doing is emotionally healing and giving yourself more peace of mind. It’s an act that allows you to reconcile with others, repair damaged relationships, and create a more positive environment for yourself.

Help Those in Need

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Charity, whether through money or actions, is a great social responsibility to take on yourself, as it makes life easier for the less privileged. Rather than see it as a financial loss, you should look at it as a form of compassion that provides you with a better community to live in.

Seek Peace

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Through Psalm 34:14, we also learn to turn away from anything that disturbs our peace. This is because you gain more from choosing dialogue and other peaceful routes over violence when resolving conflicts. It’s a decision that fosters a calm and harmonious life while promoting understanding in relationships. 

Show Gratitude

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You should also give thanks in any circumstance you find yourself in, as it’s a way to appreciate favors done to you and be more optimistic about life. Harvard Health also explains that gratitude will help you feel more positive emotions, improve your health, deal with challenges better, and build stronger relationships.

Be Honest

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Honesty doesn’t just help you build a trustworthy personality, which helps in your personal life; it also improves your odds career-wise. It’s a personal trait that enhances your reliability in the eyes of others, and through transparency, you solidify your bond and deepen intimacy in relationships. 

Practice Humility

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Philippians 2:3 tells us to choose humility by avoiding putting our own needs above those of others. This verse encourages both modesty and the recognition of the worth of others, and following its teachings allows you to nurture a more respectful environment.

Value Wisdom and Understanding

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Proverbs 4:7 also implores us to value learning new things and to understand them deeply. It’s a call to pursue lifelong learning, which Forbes says will boost self-esteem, memory retention, and cognitive function. These qualities will help with personal growth and give you a better life in old age.

Avoid Greed

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Luke 12:15 warns us to avoid greed of all kinds and that life is not all about possessions. Greed is displayed through actions like gambling, hoarding, trickery, and theft. By abandoning materialism, we live a life with more contentment and fulfillment.

Respect Authorities

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Laws exist solely to protect your rights against the rights of others, and it’s important to adhere to them. When you take Romans 13:1 to heart, you satisfy your civic responsibility to protect stability and order, and you foster cooperation in achieving societal goals. 

Pursue Justice

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Whether dealing with the rich, the poor, or anywhere in between, it’s always important to be impartial. Justice is all about stopping the oppression of marginalized groups and promoting fairness and equality in society. SCU calls it a central part of ethics that protects fundamental human dignity.

Value Family

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The family is the foundation of society, and it’s important to respect it as an institution on its own. By paying respect to (and caring for) older adults, you strengthen family bonds and create a stable support system to fall back on when dealing with emotional or financial difficulties.

Be Diligent and Hardworking 

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Proverbs 13:4 teaches us that the diligent man will be made rich through his work. Most of the time, the key to success is putting in more work than others around you. Diligence is a quality that allows you to develop a growth mindset and makes you more productive.

Practice Self-Control

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Self-control, advised in Galatians 5:23, is important for mental, emotional, and even physical well-being. According to Verywell Mind, impulsiveness is damaging and can lead to hasty decisions, unnecessary arguments, and risky behaviors like drug abuse.

Be Kind and Compassionate

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The Bible, through Ephesians 4:32, also encourages us to be empathetic and understanding toward others. Alongside making others feel better, showing compassion makes your interactions deeper and their effects long-lasting, and it gives you a peaceful environment to thrive in.

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