Do Chickens Eat Frogs? Unraveling the Surprising Truth

Written By Jill Taylor

Do chickens eat frogs? You may not have considered this question unless you’re a curious pet owner or farmer with a mixed-species backyard. Yes, the answer is quite surprising. Chickens can and, given the opportunity, sometimes will eat frogs.

As a proud owner of a mixed brood of chickens, I’ve seen firsthand the unexpected dietary choices these feathery omnivores can make, from beetles to small rodents and even frogs. Observing these food choices sparked my interest and led me to explore this unusual topic more deeply.

Chickens and frogs may seem like an odd pairing, but it’s worth noting that chickens are not fussy eaters. While commercial feeds are the staple for most domestic chickens, their wild counterparts have a more varied diet that includes a range of insects, small mammals, and reptiles. Therefore, while not common, the consumption of frogs by chickens is entirely within the realm of possibility.

do chickens eat frogs

Understanding Chicken Diets

When it comes to understanding what chickens eat, it’s important to remember that these creatures are natural omnivores. That means they will eat almost anything that fits into their beak and is deemed safe or appetizing.

Natural Chicken Diets: What They Eat in The Wild

In the wild, chickens have a varied diet, including seeds, insects, small rodents, and even smaller reptiles. They have an innate instinct to scratch and peck the ground for food, always looking for a tasty morsel to savor.

Domestic Chicken Diets: Common Feeds and Supplements

Domesticated chickens, on the other hand, often have a diet dominated by commercially produced feeds. These usually contain a balanced mix of grains, seeds, and protein sources like soybeans. Supplements may be added for extra nutrition, such as oyster shells for calcium or grit for digestion.

The Omnivorous Nature of Chickens

The omnivorous nature of chickens means they can consume both plant and animal matter. Their dietary choices can often surprise us, showing an interest in a variety of unexpected foods. This brings us to the unusual pairing of chickens and frogs.


Unusual Foods in A Chicken’s Diet

Chickens are known for their diverse palate and can eat a range of unexpected foods that come their way, whether it’s small mammals, insects, or even reptiles.

Chickens and Small Mammals

Despite their innocent appearance, chickens won’t shy away from a chance to snack on small mammals like mice or voles. They are capable hunters and can be quite efficient at reducing pest populations.

Chickens and Insects

Insects are a preferred food choice, providing an excellent source of protein. Chickens enjoy a variety of insects, from beetles and worms to even the occasional spider.

Chickens and Reptiles: Do They Eat Them?

As surprising as it may sound, chickens can and will eat small reptiles, like lizards or frogs. The consumption of these creatures typically depends on the chickens’ environment and the availability of such prey.

Chickens and Frogs: An Unusual Pair

bull frog

Chickens and frogs might seem like an unusual pair, but the omnivorous nature of chickens makes such encounters quite possible.

Instances of Chickens Eating Frogs

While it may not be an everyday occurrence, there are numerous accounts of chickens eating frogs. These instances generally occur when chickens and frogs share the same habitat, and the frog is small enough to be considered prey.

Why Would Chickens Be Attracted to Frogs?

Frogs could attract chickens due to their movement, which triggers the chickens’ predatory instincts. Additionally, frogs are a good source of protein, making them a tempting snack for chickens.

Potential Risks of Chickens Consuming Frogs

While frogs might seem like a novel protein source, there are potential risks involved, as not all frogs are safe for chickens to consume. Some species of frogs and toads secrete toxins as a defense mechanism, which could harm chickens.

Impact of Frogs on Chicken Health

chicken feeding

Frogs can have beneficial and harmful impacts on chicken health, making it essential to understand these dynamics.

Nutritional Benefits of Frogs for Chickens

Frogs are high in protein, which is essential for chickens. Regular protein intake supports the production of eggs, plumage health, and overall vitality.

Potential Harmful Effects and Toxicity Issues

However, not all frogs are created equal. Some species, particularly certain toads, have toxins in their skin, which can harm or even kill chickens. A chicken eating a toxic frog may show signs of distress, illness, or unusual behavior.

How Frog Consumption Could Impact Chicken Behavior

Eating frogs shouldn’t drastically change a chicken’s behavior unless the frog is toxic. Chickens might become temporarily excited or aggressive during the hunt but generally return to their usual behavior afterward.

Keeping Chickens and Frogs Together: Is It Safe?

chicken near water

Keeping chickens and frogs together isn’t necessarily problematic, but it’s essential to take measures to ensure the safety of both.

Potential Conflicts Between Chickens and Frogs

The main conflict arises when chickens see frogs as food. If you have small, non-toxic frogs and larger chickens, there’s a chance your chickens might try to eat them.

Best Practices for Keeping Chickens and Frogs in the Same Environment

If you’re keen on keeping chickens and frogs together, provide enough space for both to coexist. Create separate areas for the frogs that are inaccessible to the chickens. Providing plenty of cover and hiding places for frogs will also help them stay out of the chickens’ way.

Solutions for Preventing Chickens from Eating Frogs

One solution is keeping the chickens well-fed and providing plenty of protein sources. This way, they’ll be less inclined to hunt the frogs. You could also consider physical barriers, like fencing off a pond or wetland area where frogs live.

FAQs about Chickens and Frogs

Here are some commonly asked questions about chickens and their potential interactions with frogs.

Are There Chicken Breeds More Likely to Eat Frogs?

While all chickens are omnivores, some breeds might be more inclined to hunt than others. Breeds known for their foraging skills, like Rhode Island Reds or Sussex chickens, might be more likely to eat frogs if given the opportunity.

What Should I Do If My Chicken Eats a Frog?

If your chicken eats a frog, monitor it closely for any signs of distress or illness, especially if you’re unsure of its species or its toxicity. If your chicken shows signs of sickness, consult with a vet immediately.

Can Chickens Eat Frogs as a Part of Their Regular Diet?

While chickens can technically eat frogs, making frogs a regular part of their diet is not recommended. Frogs are not a natural food source for chickens; depending on the species, they could potentially harm your chickens. Stick to tried-and-true feeds and supplements for a balanced diet.

Different Types of Frogs and Their Potential Risk to Chickens

tree frog

Chickens may encounter different types of frogs, each with unique characteristics. Understanding these differences is important, especially since some frogs might pose a risk to your chickens.

Common Frogs

Common frogs are typically non-toxic and can be safely consumed by chickens. However, they’re still not recommended as a regular part of your chickens’ diet due to the potential risk of parasites.

Poisonous Frogs

Some frog species, like poison dart frogs, are toxic and pose a risk to chickens. Chickens consuming these frogs may fall sick or, in severe cases, die.


Many toad species secrete toxins from their skin as a defense mechanism, posing a risk to chickens. In particular, species like the cane toad are extremely toxic and can kill a chicken if ingested.

Tree Frogs

Tree frogs are typically not a part of a chicken’s diet, mainly because they dwell high in trees out of a chicken’s reach. However, some tree frog species can be toxic, so they could pose a risk if ever encountered and eaten by a chicken.

Aquatic Frogs

Aquatic frogs, like the American bullfrog, are generally safe for chickens to eat. However, they could potentially carry parasites or diseases, so it’s best not to let your chickens make a habit of eating them.

In general, while chickens can eat frogs, it’s best to prevent this behavior when possible due to the potential risks involved. If you find your chickens are regularly hunting frogs, consider adjusting their environment or diet to discourage this behavior.

What Else Do Chickens Eat?


Chickens are fascinating creatures with surprisingly diverse diets. Let’s explore some more unexpected items chickens might eat, including mice, scorpions, lizards, snakes, and even their own poop.

Chickens and Mice

Chickens can, indeed, eat mice. If a chicken comes across a small mouse, it might see it as a tasty source of protein. However, it’s essential to remember that wild rodents can carry diseases and parasites, potentially harming your chickens. Therefore, it’s not recommended to feed mice to your chickens intentionally.

Read More: Do Chickens Eat Mice? Unveiling The Surprising Truth

Chickens and Scorpions

Yes, chickens can also eat scorpions. Chickens are generally immune to the venom of most scorpion species. They will peck at and eat these creatures, effectively helping control the scorpion population. That said, larger or more venomous scorpions could still pose a risk, so keeping chickens away from known scorpion-infested areas is best.

Read More: Do Chickens Eat Scorpions? An Unexpected Food Chain Link

Chickens and Lizards

Lizards are another item on the menu for chickens. Like frogs, these small reptiles can attract a chicken’s attention and become a snack. While most common lizards are safe to eat, certain species can be toxic, so always monitor your chickens if they are in an area with a high lizard population.

Read More: Do Chickens Eat Lizards? Unveiling The Predator Side Of Poultry

Chickens and Snakes

Chickens are known to take on snakes, often working together to peck at and eventually kill the intruder. They may eat small snakes, but it’s crucial to note that larger snakes can pose a significant risk to chickens, and certain snake species are venomous.

Read More: Do Chickens Eat Snakes? Unveiling The Truth Behind The Myth

Chickens and Their Own Poop

As unappetizing as it may sound, chickens will sometimes peck at and consume their own poop. This is usually because it may contain undigested food particles. While this might seem gross, it’s typically not harmful to chickens. However, if a chicken’s diet is causing a lot of undigested food to appear in its poop, it may be worth reviewing its feed to ensure they’re getting the nutrition they need.

Read More: Do Chickens Eat Their Own Poop? Unearthing The Truth

Do chickens eat frogs – final thoughts

In the fascinating world of chickens and their diverse diets, we’ve learned that frogs could occasionally become a gourmet treat for these feathered omnivores. Whether this happens due to their hunting instincts, attraction to movement, or merely a chance encounter, it’s certainly added an unexpected twist to our understanding of what chickens eat.

In essence, while chickens can eat frogs, it’s rare and not without potential risks. Ensuring our feathery friends enjoy a balanced, healthy diet without hazardous amphibian appetizers is crucial. So, the next time you see a chicken eyeing a frog, it might be contemplating whether it has found its next unusual snack!