Do Chickens Eat Ants? 5 Awesome Benefits

Written By Jill Taylor

Do chickens eat ants? Yes, chickens can eat ants. Ants are a great source of protein and other essential vitamins and minerals for chickens. In addition, they are small enough for chickens to catch and eat.

Chickens are omnivores, which means they will eat both plants and animals. In the wild, chickens will forage for food, and ants are a natural part of their diet. Ants can provide chickens with nutrients like protein and fat.

However, there are some things to consider before allowing your chickens to snack on ants. This article will cover the benefits and risks of feeding ants to chickens.

do chickens eat ants

Are Ants Safe for Chickens?

For the most part, ants are safe for chickens. They are a natural part of their diet and provide important nutrients. Before offering ants to your chickens, there are a few factors to consider.

First, ants may carry parasites that can make your chickens sick. Second, ants can sometimes be aggressive, especially red or fire ants, and if they sting your chicken, it could have a reaction.

Finally, allowing your chickens to eat too many ants could throw off the balance of nutrients in their diet. Overall, ants are safe for chickens to eat as an occasional treat. Just be sure to offer them in moderation.


The benefits of eating ants for chickens

If you’ve ever seen your chickens chasing after ants, you may have wondered if they’re getting anything out of it. Ants are a great source of nutrition for chickens and can provide them with several benefits. Here are five reasons why chickens love eating ants.

Ants are a great source of protein

Protein is essential for chickens to help them grow and maintain their feathers. Ants are a great source of protein, providing a good amount of their daily needs.

Ants are rich in essential vitamins and minerals

Ants are rich in vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, and magnesium, which are all essential for chicken health.

Ants can help with digestion

Eating ants can help chickens with digestion by breaking down tough food in their GI tract. Ants can also help chickens with their natural gut bacteria, which is essential for keeping them healthy.

Ants can help reduce stress levels

Chickens can get stressed out like humans, leading to health problems such as feather-picking or reduced egg production. However, the act of hunting and eating ants can help to reduce stress levels in chickens.

Ants provide mental stimulation

In addition to reducing stress, hunting and eating ants also provides mental stimulation for chickens that can help to keep them happy and healthy.

Things to watch out for when feeding ants to chickens

black ants

If you own chickens, you may have considered feeding them ants at some point. After all, chickens are omnivores, and ants are a protein-rich food source. However, there are some things you need to know before you start sprinkling ants in your chicken feed. Here are three things to watch out for when feeding ants to chickens.


One thing to watch out for when feeding ants to chickens is parasites. Chickens can contract parasites from eating infected insects, and these parasites can make your chicken sick.

There’s not much you can do to stop chickens from eating ants if they live in the wild, but if you keep them in a coop, it is best to offer cooked or freeze-dried ants instead of live ones. This will help to reduce the risk of parasites. Keeping your chicken’s vaccinations up to date can also help.


Another thing to watch out for is insecticides. Some farmers use insecticides on their crops to kill pests. If these insecticides are not properly diluted, they can be harmful – or even fatal – to chickens who consume them.

If you’re going to feed ants to your chickens, be sure they come from an area that has not been treated with insecticides.

Fire or red ants

One final thing to watch out for is fire ants or red ants. These ants are more aggressive than other ants, and their bites can be toxic to chickens. If you live in an area with fire ants, it’s best to avoid feeding them to your chickens altogether.

How often should chickens eat ants?

If you want to feed ants to your chickens, it’s best to do so in moderation. There is no set amount of ants that a chicken should eat – it depends on the size of the chicken and the amount of other food they are eating.

Generally, ants should only make up a small portion of your chicken’s diet. Too much protein from ants can lead to problems such as feather-picking and egg-laying issues.

How to prepare ants for feeding to chickens

If you want to feed ants to your chickens, it’s best to freeze-dry or cook them first. This will help to reduce the risk of parasites and make the ants easier to digest.

Once the ants are prepared, you can mix them with other foods or offer them as a treat. Remember that ants should only make up a small portion of your chicken’s diet.

There’s not much you can do to stop chickens from eating ants if they live in the wild, so don’t worry too much about it. But if you keep chickens in a coop, offering cooked or freeze-dried ants as an occasional treat can help them to stay healthy and happy.

Can baby chickens eat ants?

baby chick

Yes, you can offer ants to baby chicks in moderation. However, it’s best to wait until the chicks are at least a month old before introducing them to solid foods.

Ants are a great source of protein for baby chicks, but make sure you offer them cooked or freeze-dried ants to reduce the risk of parasites.

Do Chickens Eat Carpenter Ants?

Chickens are often seen searching the ground for tasty treats to eat, making them natural pest controllers. But will they eat carpenter ants? The answer is yes – as long as the ants don’t contain any harmful poisons, dietary ants can be a natural, nutrient-rich supplement to your flock’s diet.

Carpenter ants can provide essential proteins and carbohydrates to chickens. They are easy for chickens to find since they usually crawl around on the ground in warm weather months and decaying wood around birdhouses or coops.

Plus, some breeds of chicken have been known to enjoy the crunchy experience of catching and eating them.

Do Chickens Eat Black Ants?

chicken feeding

Identifying which insects are safe for chickens to eat is a great way to ensure they get enough nutrition while controlling pests around your homestead. But can chickens eat black ants? Well, the answer is yes – in moderation. Black ants contain many nutritional benefits, such as protein and fiber.

Additionally, allowing your chickens’ limited access to black ants can be a great pest control method since it will reduce their population naturally. So yes – chickens can eat black ants in moderation with the right precautions.

Do Chickens Eat Leafcutter Ants?

Chickens are known to be omnivorous, meaning they’ll eat a variety of insects, including ants. That certainly includes leafcutter ants, the larger-than-average species found in tropical and subtropical climates across the globe.

While other ant species may not be safe for chickens to consume due to their toxic properties or bitter tastes, leafcutter ants have neither of these drawbacks and can be included as part of your flock’s diet.

It’s best to provide fresh leafcutter ants caught wild; these ants are filled with nutrients that can enhance your chickens’ overall health and well-being.

Do Chickens Eat Red or fire Ants?

While chickens can and do eat red or fire ants, it is usually not recommended for them to do so since these types of ants are more dangerous than other types.

Fire ants can attack chickens with their toxin, which can be harmful and painful, and if eaten in large quantities, this may prove fatal to small poultry such as chicks.

If there is an influx of red ants near your flock, it’s best to take preventative measures by using baits or insecticides on the nest and regularly inspecting nests around your property.

What other bugs and insects can chickens eat?


We all know that chickens love to eat bugs. But did you know that there are quite a few different types of common household bugs that your chickens will love to eat? Here are 5 of the most common.


Spiders are a great source of protein for your chickens. They are also relatively easy to catch, which makes them a perfect snack for your feathered friends. They can also help to reduce the spider population around your homestead.

Read More: Do Chickens Eat Spiders? 4 Excellent Benefits


Slugs may not be the most appetizing creatures, but your chickens will love them. They are a good source of calcium and other nutrients. Chickens can easily find them in damp, dark places around your property.

Read More: Do Chickens Eat Slugs? Yes, With Some Risks


Hornworms are the larvae of moths. They are packed with protein and other nutrients, making them a perfect meal for your chickens. They are also easy to find around your homestead, particularly in your garden.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Hornworms? 5 Surprising Benefits


Cicadas are another great source of protein for your chickens. They are relatively easy to catch, and your chickens will love the taste. Cicadas are usually found in late summer and early fall, so keep an eye out for them around your homestead.

Read More: Do Chickens Eat Cicadas? 5 Excellent Benefits

Japanese Beetles

Japanese beetles are a common pest in many gardens. While they can do some damage to your plants, they make a delicious treat for your chickens. Your chickens will love the taste, and you won’t have to worry about them eating your plants.

Read More: Do Chickens Eat Japanese Beetles? 5 Amazing Benefits

How to give chickens a healthy and balanced diet

While they may seem like simple creatures, chickens are complex and have specific dietary needs. Here, we’ll outline some key components of a healthy chicken diet and offer helpful tips for keeping your chickens well-fed.

A healthy chicken diet includes a variety of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. The best protein sources for chickens are eggs, insects, and small vertebrates.

For carbs, chickens love grains like wheat and corn. And for fat, they need a balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. As for vitamins and minerals, chickens require large amounts of calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and chlorine.

One easy way to ensure that your chickens get all the nutrients they need is to feed them commercial chicken feed specifically formulated to meet their nutritional needs. You can find these feeds at most pet stores or online.

However, it’s important to read the label carefully to ensure you get a quality product. Some poorly made chicken feeds may contain low levels of nutrients or even harmful substances.

Another way to ensure that your chickens get all the nutrients they need is to supplement their diet with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Chickens love most fruits and vegetables, so this is a great way to give them some variety in their diet. Just wash the produce thoroughly before feeding it to your chickens to avoid any potential health hazards.

Do chickens eat ants – final thoughts

Ants provide important nutrients like protein and fat. In addition, they are a good source of vitamins and minerals. Ants can also help boost a chicken’s immune system.

So, ants are a great option if you are looking for a healthy treat for your chickens. Just be sure to offer them in moderation.

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