Can Goats Eat Poison Ivy? 4 Awesome Benefits

Written By Jill Taylor

Can goats eat poison ivy? Yes, they can! Poison ivy is a part of a healthy and balanced diet for goats. It’s full of nutrients that they need to stay healthy and strong.

Letting your goats eat poison ivy is a great way to remove it from your property. Goats will eat the leaves, stems, and flowers of the plant. They will also eat the berries, which are poisonous to humans.

There are some things to watch out for when feeding goats poison ivy. Make sure that there is no other poisonous vegetation available to the goats. Poison ivy should only be given as part of a healthy diet and not as the only source of nutrition.

This article will cover the benefits of feeding goats poison ivy and things to watch out for.

can goats eat poison ivy

Can goats eat poison ivy?

Yes, goats can eat poison ivy. The leaves and vines of the poison ivy plant are a great source of nutrition for goats and offer many benefits.

Some things to watch out for when feeding goats poison ivy include ensuring they don’t overeat and that they don’t have any allergies to the plant.

Poison ivy should be given as part of a healthy and balanced diet.


The benefits of eating poison ivy for goats

There are many benefits to goats eating poison ivy.

Good for digestive health

Eating poison ivy can help goats keep their digestive system healthy and balanced. The plant is a good source of fiber, which helps with digestion.

Maintain a healthy weight

Poison ivy can also help goats maintain a healthy weight. The plant is high in protein and low in calories, which allows goats to stay at a healthy weight.

Helps with hydration

Eating poison ivy can also help goats stay hydrated. The plant is full of water, and eating it can help goats stay hydrated in hot weather.

Good for coat and skin

Goats that eat poison ivy tend to have better coats and skin health. The plant is a good source of vitamins and minerals, which helps keep the goat’s coat and skin healthy.

Things to watch out for when feeding poison ivy to goats

poison ivy leaves

While there are many benefits to goats eating poison ivy, there are also some things to watch out for.

Give in moderation

Make sure the goats don’t overeat. Too much poison ivy can cause digestive problems.


Some goats may be allergic to poison ivy. If you notice the goats scratching or rubbing after eating poison ivy, they may be allergic to the plant.

Other poisonous plants

Make sure there are no other poisonous plants in the same area as poison ivy. Goats may eat other toxic plants if they are available.

Pesticides & chemicals

Ensure the poison ivy plants are not treated with pesticides or chemicals. These can be harmful to goats if they eat them.

How often should goats eat poison ivy?

Poison ivy should be given to goats as part of a healthy and balanced diet. It can be given daily, weekly, or monthly. If poison ivy grows on your property, you can let the goats graze on it as often as they like.

When feeding poison ivy to goats, watch out for allergies and give it in moderation. Poison ivy is an excellent source of nutrition for goats and offers many benefits, but it should be provided as part of a healthy diet.

How to prepare poison ivy for feeding to goats

goat standing

There is no need to prepare poison ivy for goats before they eat it. The plant is safe for them to eat as is. If you want, you can chop the leaves or stems into smaller pieces to make it easier for the goats to eat.

Grazing is the best way for goats to eat poison ivy. This allows them to eat the plant in its natural state and get all its nutrients.

If you have a problem with poison ivy on your property, let the goats loose and let them graze freely. You’ll eliminate the plants and provide your goats with a tasty and nutritious treat!

Can baby goats eat poison ivy?

Like adults, baby goats can eat poison ivy. The leaves and vines of the plant are a great source of nutrition for them and offer many benefits.

However, as with any new food, it’s important to introduce it slowly and in small amounts. Watch for any adverse reactions, such as excessive itching or swelling, and discontinue if necessary.

Poison ivy is an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K and minerals like calcium and phosphorus. It’s also high in fiber, essential for keeping a goat’s digestive system healthy.

What other plants can goats eat?

goat eating plant

Goats are known for their voracious appetites and ability to consume a wide range of vegetation. While their four-chambered stomachs can process many plants that are harmful to other animals, it’s crucial to be aware of what they ingest. Certain plants can be toxic and detrimental to their health. Below we explore a few plants and whether they’re suitable for goats.

Poison Oak

Just like poison ivy, goats can eat poison oak without adverse reactions. This plant, often deemed a nuisance to humans due to its itchy and irritating properties, is no match for the goat’s digestive system. Allowing goats to graze on areas with poison oak can be an effective way to control its growth and spread, all while providing the goats with a nutritious treat.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Poison Oak? 4 Fantastic Benefits


Milkweed is a tricky plant when it comes to goats. While it offers some nutrients, it contains compounds that can be toxic to goats in large amounts. Ingesting too much milkweed can lead to symptoms like bloating, rapid and weak pulse, difficulty breathing, and even death in severe cases. It’s best to monitor your goats if they have access to areas with milkweed and limit their consumption.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Milkweed? Simple Answer & Feeding Tips


Rhubarb is another plant that is problematic for goats. While humans can safely consume the stalks of the rhubarb plant, the leaves contain oxalic acid, which is toxic to goats and can cause kidney damage and other health issues. If goats consume rhubarb leaves in significant amounts, it can lead to poisoning, which manifests as tremors, difficulty breathing, and discolored urine. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure that goats do not have access to rhubarb plants in their grazing area or that these plants are promptly removed.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Rhubarb? Why It’s Not A Good Idea

How to give goats a healthy and balanced diet

Goats are versatile animals and can be kept for various purposes, such as milk production, meat production, or pets. However, regardless of why you have goats, it is essential to ensure that they have a healthy and balanced diet.

The best way to do this is to provide them with a mixture of hay, pellets, and fresh vegetables. Hay is an essential part of a goat’s diet and should always be available. Pellets are a concentrated source of nutrients and can be given in small amounts daily.

Fresh vegetables should also be given daily and can be used as a treat or reward. Goats will also forage for food if given the opportunity. This includes grass, leaves, and other plants.

By following these simple guidelines, you can ensure that your goats have the nutritional foundation they need to stay healthy and happy.

Can goats eat poison ivy – final thoughts

So, can goats eat poison ivy? Yes, goats can eat poison ivy. It is a good source of nutrition for them and provides many benefits. However, there are a few things you need to watch out for when feeding goats poison ivy.

Make sure to only give poison ivy as part of a healthy and balanced diet. Do not give too much, as it can be toxic to goats. Also, ensure the poison ivy is fresh and has no bugs on it.