Can Goats Eat Eucalyptus? 5 Excellent Health Benefits

Written By Jill Taylor

Can goats eat eucalyptus? Yes, most goats love eucalyptus and will eat any variety. Eucalyptus is a tasty treat for your goat and will provide hours of entertainment as the goat tries to pull off pieces of bark.

Goats love eucalyptus branches, leaves, bark, and logs. It’s a great treat because it’s high in protein, low in calories, and provides plenty of vitamins A, E & K. Just make sure that your goats don’t eat too much eucalyptus as it contains a very small amount of toxins.

There are a couple of things to remember when preparing eucalyptus and feeding it to your goats. In this article, you’ll learn everything there is to know about feeding eucalyptus to your goats.

can goats eat eucalyptus

What is Eucalyptus?

Eucalyptus is a species of the plant genus Eucalyptus. There are over 700 varieties of eucalyptus and all types have many different uses. The oil from eucalyptus trees is used as a disinfectant, pesticide, and cough medicine.

Eucalyptus wood can be used as firewood or for craft projects. In Australia, native Aborigines use the leaves as a medicinal treatment for paralysis, fever, colds, headaches & chest pains.

In recent years eucalyptus has been used to help stop illegal logging in countries like Costa Rica because it grows so quickly and thickly that weeds cannot grow underneath it which prevents soil erosion. Also, this hardy plant can be used as a biofuel to make bio-diesel.


Can Goats Eat Eucalyptus?

Goats can eat eucalyptus and will devour any part of the plant. The goat is one of nature’s original recyclers. Goats eat grass, leaves, shrubs, vines, brambles, brush piles, and anything else they can find. If it grows in their path they will eat it.

Eucalyptus provides multiple benefits for your goats. It can provide shade, extra nutrients in their diet, and be used to attract the goat when breeding season comes around.

Eucalyptus trees are invasive in some areas and can provide great fencing material if needed. The wood is extremely hardy and makes perfect fence posts. In fact, some farmers use eucalyptus to help train their goats not to jump onto other fences during the hot summer months.

Is Eucalyptus Safe for Goats?

eucalyptus leaves

There are some small amounts of toxins in eucalyptus trees, but for the most part, it is just fine to feed goats. Mature eucalyptus leaves contain small amounts of toxins. However, sheep and cattle use eucalyptus as a major food source in Australia where they thrive on the plant year-round.

As long as your goats don’t eat large quantities of eucalyptus it will be just fine. Make sure you only give the goats a few leaves and branches at a time and remove any uneaten portions after an hour or so.

Health Benefits of Eucalyptus for Goats

Eucalyptus provides your goats with a number of health benefits.

The leaves and bark of the eucalyptus tree contain unique oils that can help expel mucus from a goat’s lungs and make them more productive during cold weather. It also relieves pain from arthritis, acts as an expectorant to clear mucus from their respiratory system, helps calm telepathy protects, and against rheumatism.

In fact, the beneficial properties found in eucalyptus oil can be used as a pain reliever for people who suffer severe headaches or muscle cramps.

Eucalyptus should not be given to pregnant goats because it can induce labor, however. This means that if you are trying to breed your doe you should avoid feeding them any eucalyptus until after they have delivered.

Are there any Risks in Feeding Eucalyptus to Goats?

goats standing

Eucalyptus is considered to be a safe and natural food source for goats, but there are still some risks involved.

Eucalyptus leaves contain small amounts of toxins that can cause diarrhea or bloat. However, this is rare and only occurs when eucalyptus leaves make up a large part of the goat’s diet. Small amounts of eucalyptus will not harm them so long as they don’t eat large quantities at one time.

If your goats experience any type of adverse reaction after eating eucalyptus you should seek veterinary care immediately because it could be something serious. Symptoms to look out for include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach Cramps
  • Vomiting
  • Frequent urination

How to Prepare Eucalyptus for Goats?

You can use eucalyptus for goats by feeding them the leaves, bark, stems, or even branches if you are trying to get rid of them.

When using eucalyptus leaves, be sure that they haven’t fallen onto the ground and been contaminated by pesticides or other chemicals during growing.

You can feed the leaves fresh or dried and even add them to your goat’s daily hay for extra nutrients. The eucalyptus will help keep the hay last longer and reduce mold growth. It also provides an extra boost of protein and vitamins that make it more appealing to the goat.

When using eucalyptus branches, make sure they are freshly cut and not wilting. If the leaves on a branch wilt it will be harder for a goat to eat them because they will not be as fresh and green.

You can place a pile of branches in the goat’s pen or pasture and they will take a few out at a time to eat. Make sure there are no other plants within reach of their pens so they don’t eat anything hazardous or toxic.

How Often Should I Feed my Goats Eucalyptus?

goat sticking out tongue

As mentioned earlier, some farmers use eucalyptus branches to keep goats from jumping onto other fences.

You can do this by placing the branch over their fence line or into their pen so they can chew on it freely. It’s best to change the location of the branch every few days so that the goat gets bored with it and stops trying to jump on top.

When using eucalyptus leaves, you should only feed your goats a few at a time because large quantities could cause stomach bloating or diarrhea. You can place them in a hay trough for convenience, but it is also fine to let them eat directly from the tree if it is accessible.

Be sure to remove uneaten portions of food after a few hours to prevent a goat from eating too much or from choking on their food.

What other trees and leaves can goats eat apart from eucalyptus?

Apart from the aromatic eucalyptus, there are several other trees and their parts that goats show interest in. Goats, being natural browsers, often graze on a diverse range of foliage. While some of these trees provide nutritional value, others may need to be offered with caution. Let’s delve into the specifics of some commonly queried trees and leaves.

Pine Needles

Goats can eat pine needles, and in fact, many enjoy the flavor. Pine needles are a good source of vitamins, particularly Vitamin C. However, it’s essential to ensure that goats do not consume excessive amounts, especially if they aren’t accustomed to them, as they can potentially cause digestive upsets. Certain types of pine, like the Ponderosa pine, should be avoided, especially for pregnant goats, as they can induce abortions.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Pine Needles? 5 Important Benefits

Oak Leaves

Oak leaves, and especially acorns, can be toxic to goats when consumed in large quantities due to the tannic acid they contain. While occasional browsing of oak leaves might not be harmful, it’s a good practice to monitor their intake and limit their access, especially during the fall when acorns drop.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Oak Leaves? 6 Great Benefits

Christmas Trees

After the festive season, many goats enjoy munching on leftover Christmas trees. The majority of these trees, such as spruce, fir, and pine, are safe for goats. However, before offering a Christmas tree to your goats, ensure it hasn’t been treated with chemicals or fire retardants, and remove any decorations or tinsel.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Christmas Trees? Myths & Facts Unveiled

Maple Leaves

Maple leaves, especially wilted ones from the red or silver maple trees, can be toxic to goats. Wilted maple leaves can cause hemolytic anemia, known as “maple poisoning.” While not all maple varieties pose this risk, it’s wise to prevent goats from accessing maple trees, especially during the fall or after storms when wilted leaves are abundant.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Maple Leaves? Simple Answer & Feeding Tips

Cedar Trees

Cedar foliage can be a tasty treat for goats. However, the consumption of cedar in large amounts can be problematic, as it can lead to gastrointestinal upset. Offering cedar as an occasional treat rather than a primary diet component is a safer approach.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Cedar Trees? 6 Excellent Benefits

Can Goats Eat Eucalyptus – Final Thoughts

Goats can eat eucalyptus and it is a great treat for them. Eucalyptus is high in protein, low in calories, and provides plenty of vitamins A, E & K. Make sure your goats don’t ingest too much eucalyptus, since it contains a tiny amount of toxins.

Eucalyptus provides your goats with manganese iron, calcium, and copper as well as smaller amounts of magnesium, potassium, and zinc.

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