Can Goats Eat Cedar Trees? 6 Excellent Benefits

Written By Jill Taylor

Can goats eat cedar trees? The answer is yes; goats can eat cedar trees. Goats are known to love eating cedar trees. Cedar trees are a great source of food for goats; they love to eat the leaves, branches, and even the bark of cedar trees.

While cedar trees are a great source of nutrition for goats, there are pros and cons to consider before you start feeding them to your goats.

This article will cover everything you need to know about feeding cedar trees to goats, including the benefits and drawbacks of doing so.

can goats eat cedar trees

Can goats eat cedar trees?

Many people are surprised to learn that goats eating cedar trees is quite beneficial for the animal. Cedar trees are a natural source of food for goats. In the wild, goats are known to browse a variety of plants, including cedar trees. Cedar trees are a good option if you’re looking for a more natural diet for your goats.

Cedar trees can be hard on a goat’s digestive system. If you do decide to feed your goats cedar trees, do so in moderation and ensure they have plenty of other sources of food so that their digestive system doesn’t get overloaded.


The benefits of eating cedar trees for goats

If you own goats, consider adding cedar trees to their diet. Here are six benefits of goats eating cedar trees.

Can help improve digestion

The essential oils in cedar can help stimulate digestive activity and keep things moving along smoothly. This is especially helpful if your goat is prone to digestive issues or has trouble passing stool.

Can help relieve pain and inflammation

Cedar is a natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory, so it can help relieve pain and inflammation throughout the body, including in the joints. This can be helpful for goats that suffer from arthritis or other forms of joint pain.

Can help fight respiratory infections

The antimicrobial properties of cedar can help fight off respiratory infections, making it easier for your goat to breathe. If your goat is struggling with a cold or another respiratory issue, add some cedar leaves to their food or bedding to help clear things up.

Can repel pests

Cedar oil has natural pest-repelling properties, so having cedar around can help keep pesky bugs away from your goats. This can be especially helpful in the summer when insects are most active.

Cedar oil can also help soothe insect bites and stings, so if your goat does get bitten by a bug, applying some cedar oil to the area can help ease the discomfort.

Has antioxidant properties

Cedar contains a compound called cedrene, which has powerful antioxidant properties. This means that cedar can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can lead to cell damage, contributing to the development of various diseases.

Including cedar in your goat’s diet can help boost their overall health and protect them from diseases.

Cedar smells nice

One of the best things about cedar is that it smells delightful. So not only will your goats enjoy the taste and benefits of chewing on cedar, but you’ll also enjoy the pleasant aroma.

Things to watch out for when feeding cedar trees to goats

cedar tree

While there are many benefits to goats eating cedar trees, there are also some things you should watch out for. Here are three things to keep in mind when feeding cedar trees to goats.

Cedar can be hard on the digestive system

As mentioned earlier, cedar trees can be hard on a goat’s digestive system. If you do decide to feed your goats cedar trees, do so in moderation and ensure they have plenty of other sources of food so that their digestive system doesn’t get overloaded.

Too much cedar can also lead to constipation, so keep an eye on your goat’s stool to ensure they’re staying regular.

Cedar can be toxic in large quantities

Cedar oil is toxic to goats in large quantities, so it’s important to use caution when feeding cedar trees to your goats. If you’re unsure how much cedar is safe for your goat to eat, consult a veterinarian or goat specialist.

Symptoms of cedar toxicity in goats include weakness, tremors, and difficulty breathing. If you notice any of these symptoms in your goat, seek veterinary care immediately.

Cedar can cause allergies

Some goats may be allergic to cedar trees. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include itching, swelling, and difficulty breathing. If you notice any of these symptoms in your goat, stop feeding them cedar and consult with a veterinarian.

How often should goats eat cedar trees?

Goats can eat cedar trees as often as they like, but it’s best to feed them in moderation. Too much cedar can lead to health problems like liver disease and malnutrition.

If you have cedar trees on your property, goats will likely eat them. Goats are browsers, meaning they like to nibble on various plants. Cedar is one of their favorites, but goats are pretty good at knowing how much they can eat without getting sick.

How to prepare cedar trees for feeding to goats

goats eating

If you’re a goat owner, you know that cedar trees can be a great source of food for your goats. But did you know that there are some things you can do to prepare the cedar trees before feeding them to your goats?

Doing some simple prep work will help your goats digest the cedar trees more easily and reduce the risk of gastrointestinal issues. Here are a few tips for prepping cedar trees for feeding to goats.

  • Cut the branches into small, manageable pieces. This will help your goats chew the branches more easily and prevent them from swallowing large chunks of wood that could cause choking or other digestive issues.
  • Remove any sharp edges from the branches. You don’t want your goats cut by sharp branches, so use a pruning saw or gardening shears to remove any sharp points.
  • Add some leaves to the mix. Goats like to eat leaves, so including some leaves on the branches will make them even more appealing.
  • Make sure the branches are free of pesticides and other chemicals. You don’t want your goats ingesting harmful chemicals, so only feed them cedar tree branches that have been cleared of all pesticides and other chemicals.

Cedar trees can be a great source of food for goats, but there are some things you need to do to prepare the trees before feeding them to your goats. Following these tips can help ensure that your goats have a safe and healthy experience when eating cedar trees.

Can baby goats eat cedar trees?

Baby goats can eat cedar trees, but you should feed them in moderation. Cedar trees contain tannins which can be toxic to baby goats if they eat too much. It is important to provide other food sources and hay for baby goats, so they do not fill up on cedar trees and become sick.

What other trees and leaves can goats eat?

goat eating oak tree

Apart from cedar trees, goats have a diverse palate that allows them to browse on a variety of trees and leaves. Nature has equipped them with a curious appetite, enabling them to be ecological landscapers, clearing out undesired vegetation. But as goat keepers, it’s essential to ensure that what they’re munching on is not just palatable, but also safe and beneficial for their health. Let’s explore some other tree types and leaves that goats can consume.

Pine Needles

Goats are known to nibble on pine needles, especially when other forages are scarce. Rich in Vitamin C, pine needles can be a good source of nutrition. However, it’s essential to ensure that the type of pine tree is not toxic to goats, and consumption should be in moderation.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Pine Needles? 5 Important Benefits

Oak Leaves

Oak leaves, particularly in large quantities, can be harmful to goats due to the tannins they contain. While a small amount might not harm them and can even provide calcium, excessive consumption can lead to kidney damage, gastrointestinal distress, and other complications. Always monitor your goats when they have access to oak trees and ensure they have a varied diet.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Oak Leaves? 6 Great Benefits

Christmas Trees

After the holiday season, many goat owners feed their discarded Christmas trees to their goats. The goats love them! However, ensure the tree hasn’t been treated with any chemicals, fire retardants, or artificial snow. Also, remove any tinsel, ornaments, or lights. Primarily, the tree should be fresh and not dried out to prevent the risk of the goat ingesting sharp, dry needles.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Christmas Trees? Myths & Facts Unveiled

Maple Leaves

While many goats eat maple leaves without any issue, some specific types, like the red maple, can be toxic when wilted. Consuming wilted red maple leaves can cause hemolytic anemia, a condition where the red blood cells are destroyed faster than they can be made. If you have red maple trees, it’s best to keep your goats away, especially during the fall when leaves drop and wilt.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Maple Leaves? Simple Answer & Feeding Tips

Magnolia Leaves

Magnolia leaves are thick and leathery, and while they might not be a goat’s first choice, they can safely consume them in moderate amounts. Ensure that your goats have access to other, more nutritious forage to ensure a balanced diet.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Magnolia Leaves? 5 Important Benefits

Can goats eat cedar trees – final thoughts

Can goats eat cedar trees? The answer is yes – but there are some things you should know first. Make sure you know what kind of cedar tree it is and that it’s safe for consumption before feeding it to your herd.

And even then, feed it in moderation, as too much can be hard on their digestive system. Ultimately, whether or not you decide to give your goats cedar trees will depend on what’s best for your particular herd.

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