Can Goats Eat Apples? 6 Fantastic Benefits

Written By Jill Taylor

Can goats eat apples? You know that goats love to eat apples if you’re a goat farmer. While fresh apples are the perfect snack for goats, they need to be sliced into small pieces so they don’t choke on them. Apples are a fantastic source of fiber and vitamin C, two essential components of a goat’s healthy diet.

When feeding your goats apples, it’s important to ensure they get a balanced diet. Apples should not be the only thing your goats eat – they should also have access to hay, straw, and other fresh fruits and vegetables. Feeding your goats too many apples can cause them to become overweight, leading to health problems.

So, give your goats some fresh apples – just make sure you monitor their diet closely to stay healthy and happy!

can goats eat apples

Can goats eat apples?

When it comes to feeding goats, apples are a great option. Not only are they tasty, but they are also a good source of fiber and vitamin C. Goats need plenty of fiber in their diet to help with digestion, and Vitamin C is essential for keeping them healthy.

However, there are a few things to remember when feeding goats apples. Firstly, the apples should be sliced into small pieces, as larger chunks can be difficult for the goats to digest. Secondly, apples should only be given as part of a healthy and balanced diet – they should not make up the bulk of the goat’s diet. And finally, you should avoid giving the goats too many apples, as this can lead to digestive problems.

Overall, apples are an excellent food choice for goats and can help keep them healthy and happy.


The benefits of apples for goats

red apples tree

Apples are delicious and nutritious fruit that can be enjoyed by both humans and animals alike. Goats are no exception; they can benefit from eating apples in several ways.

Vitamins and minerals

Apples are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. In addition, goats who eat apples regularly can enjoy improved digestion, immunity, and heart health.

Disease prevention

The antioxidants in apples can help protect goats from diseases such as cancer. Additionally, the fiber in apples can help remove toxins from the body and maintain a healthy weight.

Improved digestion

The fiber in apples can also help goats with digestive issues such as constipation and diarrhea. The natural acids in apples can also help break down food and make it easier for goats to digest.

Weight control

Apples are a low-calorie fruit, making them an excellent option for goats trying to maintain a healthy weight. Apples can help goats feel full and satisfied without packing on the pounds when fed in moderation.

Good oral health

In addition, apples can help to keep goats’ teeth healthy and clean, thanks to their abrasive texture. Eating an apple can help to remove plaque and tartar from the teeth, keeping them healthy and strong.

Source of energy

Apple-eating goats are more alert and playful than those who don’t eat them. This is likely due to the natural sugars in apples, which can provide goats with a quick and healthy energy source.

So if you’re looking for a way to give your goat a healthy boost, consider adding some apples to their diet!

Things to watch out for when feeding goats apples

goat eating grass

While apples are generally safe for goats to eat, there are a few things to watch out for when feeding them this fruit.

Risk of choking

One of the biggest dangers of feeding goats apples is the risk of choking. This is because apples are a firm fruit with hard skin. If a goat tries to bite into an apple whole, it could easily choke on it.

For this reason, ensuring that the apples you feed your goats are sliced into small pieces is crucial. This will help to prevent choking and ensure that the goats can digest the apples properly.

Too much sugar

Another thing to watch out for when feeding goats apples is giving them too much sugar. While apples are a healthy fruit, they do contain natural sugars. Therefore, a goat eating too many apples could have an upset stomach or diarrhea.

To avoid this, make sure to feed your goat apples in moderation. They should only make up a small part of the goat’s diet and should never be given as the only food.

Additionally, it’s important to choose apples that are not too sweet. Tart apples such as Granny Smith apples are a good option, as they contain less sugar than sweeter varieties.

How to feed apples to goats

goat sticking out tongue

Goats are curious creatures who often try to eat anything they can get their mouths on, including apples. While apples are not poisonous to goats, they are not a part of their natural diet and can cause digestive problems.

As such, it is essential to be careful when feeding apples to goats. The best way to do this is to cut the apples into small pieces so that the goats can’t choke on them.

You can also offer the apple slices with a bit of hay to provide extra fiber. This will help the goats to digest the apples properly and prevent them from getting an upset stomach.

Finally, keep an eye on the goats while eating and remove any uneaten apples so that they don’t rot and attract pests.

By following these simple tips, you can safely feed apples to your goats without worry.

How often can goats eat apples?

goat standing

According to most goat care guides, you should give apples to goats in moderation. While a single apple per day is generally considered safe, goats should not have unlimited access to this fruit.

The high sugar content in apples can cause digestive problems for goats, and too much of this fruit can lead to weight gain. As a result, it is important to limit the number of apples that goats eat each day.

When feeding goats apples, it is best to give them only a small piece of the fruit or cut the apple into slices. This will help to prevent any health problems and ensure that your goats stay healthy and happy.

Can baby goats eat apples?

Baby goats are adorable, and it’s no wonder that many people want to feed them treats. But, first, it’s important to know what goats can and can’t eat. One food that goats enjoy is apples.

However, baby goats should not eat apples until they are two to three months old. The reason for this is that apples contain a lot of sugar. Too much sugar can cause gastrointestinal issues in young goats.

In addition, apple seeds can be a choking hazard. However, once a goat reaches two or three months old, it can start to eat apples safely.

What Parts of the Apple and Apple Tree Are Safe for Goats?

apples in tree

When it comes to apples and apple trees, various parts can be beneficial for your goats, but some should be avoided for safety reasons. Understanding which parts are safe can help you provide a more enriched and varied diet for your herd. Let’s delve into the details.

Apple Flesh

The flesh of the apple is the most straightforward part to feed to goats. It’s rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making it a nutritious treat. However, make sure you cut the apples into small pieces to prevent choking.

Apple Skin

The skin of the apple is also safe for goats and contains a good amount of nutrients. However, if the apples are not organic, it’s a good idea to wash them thoroughly to remove any pesticide residues.

Apple Seeds

Apple seeds contain a compound that can convert into cyanide when chewed, which can be toxic in large quantities. While a few apple seeds are unlikely to harm a goat, it’s best to remove them to be on the safe side.

Apple Leaves

Goats can eat apple leaves, and these can be a good source of additional roughage. However, like any new food item, they should be introduced gradually to allow the goats’ digestive systems time to adapt.

Apple Tree Branches

Young branches and twigs from an apple tree can also be a great treat. Goats will often strip the bark and leaves, both of which are safe for them to consume. However, ensure the apple tree hasn’t been treated with pesticides or other chemicals that could be harmful to your goats.

Apple Tree Bark

The bark of the apple tree is safe for goats and provides them with some additional fiber and nutrients. Goats love to nibble on bark, but again, make sure the trees have not been treated with any harmful substances.

Apple Blossoms

Apple blossoms are not only beautiful but are also safe for goats to eat. These blossoms can provide a different flavor and a dash of variety to your goats’ diet.

What Other Fruits Can Goats Eat Apart from Apples?

green grapes in tree

While apples are a well-loved treat among goats, they’re certainly not the only fruit that can enrich your herd’s diet. Offering a variety of fruits can not only satisfy your goats’ palates but also provide a range of nutrients. Here, we break down five other fruits you might consider adding to your goats’ menu.


Grapes are another fruit that goats usually enjoy. They are a good source of antioxidants and vitamins. However, like apples, grapes are high in sugar and should be offered sparingly to prevent digestive issues or weight gain. Always remove the stems as they can be a choking hazard, and offer grapes in moderation.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Grapes? 5 Awesome Benefits


Yes, goats can eat bananas! Bananas are rich in potassium and other essential nutrients. Many goats find bananas — peel and all — to be very tasty. The fiber in bananas also aids digestion. But, given that bananas are high in sugar, they should be fed in moderation.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Bananas? 5 Fantastic Benefits


Oranges can also be a healthy and welcome addition to a goat’s diet. They provide plenty of vitamin C and are generally safe for goats to consume. However, the acidic content and strong citrus flavor might not suit all goats. Always remove the peel and any seeds before offering slices to your herd, and keep the portions small to gauge their reaction.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Oranges? 5 Fantastic Benefits


Pears are another fruit that is usually a big hit with goats. They provide similar benefits to apples, including fiber and essential vitamins. However, pears can be quite juicy, which could potentially cause soft stools if fed in large amounts. As with apples, remove the core and seeds before feeding, and offer in moderation.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Pears? 5 Excellent Benefits


Lemons are a bit of an acquired taste even for goats. They are not toxic and are rich in vitamin C, but their intense acidity and bitterness usually make them less appealing to most goats. If you decide to try offering lemons, it’s advisable to do so in very small amounts to see if your goats take to them. Also, be sure to remove the seeds and consider peeling them to reduce bitterness.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Lemons? 5 Surprising Benefits

Can goats eat apples – final thoughts

Apples are an excellent fruit for goats to eat and can offer many health benefits. However, it’s important to feed them in moderation and to slice the apples into small pieces to prevent choking.

Also, choose apples that are not too sweet, which can cause digestive problems. And finally, make sure that the seeds are removed before feeding apples to goats. Following these simple tips, you can safely and easily incorporate apples into your goats’ diet.

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