Can Goats Eat Acorns? 5 Important Benefits

Written By Jill Taylor

When I first started raising goats on my little farmstead, the question – can goats eat acorns? – was at the forefront of my mind. You see, the property was lined with beautiful oak trees, and every autumn, the ground would be littered with crunchy acorns. It wasn’t long before I observed my goats’ keen interest in these little nuggets.

Yes, goats can indeed eat acorns, but, like many things in life, there’s a bit more to the story. While these creatures are notoriously known for munching on just about anything, there are precautions to consider when letting your goats nibble on nature’s treats. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the relationship between goats and acorns, the benefits, and the potential hazards.

I remember the first time I saw my goat curiously poking her nose at a pile of acorns. It sparked my journey into understanding the dietary nuances of these fascinating animals. So, whether you’re a seasoned goat herder or a newbie like I was, join me as we explore this topic.

can goats eat acorns

Can goats eat acorns?

The short answer is yes; goats can eat acorns. However, there are a few things you should know before you let your goat munch on acorns. First, acorns contain tannins, which can be toxic to goats in large quantities. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure that your goat has access to other food and water sources, so they don’t fill up on acorns and end up getting sick.

Second, certain acorns are more bitter than others and may not be more palatable to your goat. If your goat avoids the acorns you’ve given them, it’s best to try a different type or leave them off their menu altogether.

Lastly, remember that even though goats can eat acorns, they should not be the mainstay of their diet. Acorns should be considered a treat and fed in moderation.


The benefits of eating acorns for goats

Acorns are a great source of nutrition for goats and can provide many benefits. Here’s a look at some of the benefits of feeding acorns to your goat.

Acorns are high in protein

Protein is essential for all animals, including goats. It helps with tissue repair, muscle growth, and immune function. Acorns are a great source of protein for goats, providing them with the nutrients they need to stay healthy and thrive.

Acorns are high in fat

Fat is an essential part of a goat’s diet as well. It provides energy and helps with the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Fat is also necessary for proper brain development in young goats and helps to ensure that your goat’s coat stays healthy and shiny.

Acorns are a great source of healthy fats for goats, making them a valuable addition to their diet.

Acorns are a good source of energy

One of the main benefits of feeding acorns to your goats is that they’re a great energy source. This is especially important if you have goats used for show or other physical activities, as they’ll need all the energy they can get.

Acorns can help with weight gain

Another benefit of feeding acorns to your goats is that they can help with weight gain. If your goat is underweight or has trouble gaining weight, adding acorns to its diet can give them the boost they need. Acorns are high in calories and nutrients, essential for proper growth and development.

Acorns can help with reproductive success

Another benefit of feeding acorns to goats is that they can help with reproductive success. Acorns contain vitamins A and E. These vitamins are essential for reproductive health. They will help your does produce healthy offspring.

Acorns will also help improve the quality of your doe’s milk. This is important because it will give your kids the nutrients they need to grow and thrive.

Things to watch out for when feeding acorns to goats

acorn on oak leaves

Acorns are a great source of nutrition for goats. However, there are a few things you need to watch out for when feeding acorns to goats. Here we will discuss three points to remember when feeding your goats acorns.

Be aware of potential toxins

Oak trees contain tannins, which can be toxic to goats in large quantities. Tannins give acorns their bitter taste. They can also cause gastrointestinal upset in goats. If your goat consumes too many acorns, it may experience vomiting, diarrhea, and appetite loss.

To avoid this, ensure that your goat has access to other food and water sources. This will help ensure they don’t fill up on acorns and get sick.

Choose the correct type of acorn

Not all acorns are created equal. Certain types of oak trees contain more tannins than others. The tannin content of acorns can also vary depending on their age and ripeness.

White oak trees have the highest concentration of tannins, and their acorns are also the most bitter. Red oaks have a moderate amount of tannins. Their acorns are less bitter than those of white oaks.

To avoid feeding your goats too many tannins, it’s best to stick with acorns from red oaks. These acorns are less likely to cause gastrointestinal upset in goats.

Feed acorns in moderation

Even though acorns are a great source of nutrition for goats, you should only feed them in moderation. This is because they are high in calories and can cause weight gain if goats consume too many.

When feeding acorns to goats, make sure to offer them in moderation. Start with a small amount and increase it gradually over time. This will help your goats get used to the new food and avoid digestive issues.

Make sure the acorns are fresh

Rotten or moldy acorns can make your goats sick, so it’s essential only to give them fresh acorns. You can tell if an acorn is fresh if it is brown or grey and relatively firm to the touch. If an acorn is soft or has any greenish or yellowish patches, it is not fresh and should not be given to your goats.

How often should goats eat acorns?

Acorns are a popular food for goats but should be eaten in moderation. While acorns are safe in small quantities, they can be harmful if consumed in large amounts. The high levels of tannins in acorns can cause kidney and liver damage and lead to gastrointestinal distress. For this reason, it is best to only feed goats acorns in moderation.

How to prepare acorns for feeding to goats

goat standing

Fall is in the air, so it’s time to start collecting acorns! If you have goats, you may wonder if you can feed them acorns. The answer is yes, but there are a few things you need to do first. Here’s a quick guide on preparing acorns for feeding goats.

Step One: Collect the Acorns

This is the easy part. Keep an eye out for oak trees when you’re on your next hike. If you see acorns on the ground beneath the tree, chances are good that they’re ripe and ready to be collected. Just be sure to collect enough for your goats; a good rule of thumb is 1/2 acorns per goat per day.

Step Two: Shell the Acorns

Once you’ve collected enough acorns, it’s time to start shelling them. This can be a tedious process, but it’s worth it. To make things go a little faster, you can use a nutcracker. Once the acorns are shelled, you can move on to the next step.

Step Three: Soak the Acorns

Acorns contain tannins, which can be toxic to goats if consumed in large quantities. To remove the tannins and make the acorns safe for your goats to eat, soak them in water for 24 hours. You can drain and rinse the acorns before feeding them to your goats.

Acorns make a nutritious and tasty treat for goats, but it’s important to prepare them correctly before feeding them to your herd. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your goats enjoy their acorn treat safely.

Can baby goats eat acorns?

feeding goat

You should think twice if you’re thinking of feeding your baby goat acorns. While small quantities of acorns are safe for goats, baby goats can eat even less.

Baby goats have a delicate digestive system, and too many acorns can cause digestive problems. So, while a few acorns won’t hurt your baby goat, it’s best to feed them in moderation.

Can goats eat the leaves of oak trees?

Many people think of goats as animals that will eat anything, but there are some things that goats shouldn’t eat. For example, the leaves of oak trees contain high levels of tannins, which can be harmful to goats if they consume too much.

However, in small quantities, oak leaves are safe for goats. If the leaves are wilted or dried out, they can be more difficult to digest and may cause stomach upset. Similarly, goats should only eat fresh leaves in moderation.

Overall, oak leaves can be a part of a healthy diet for goats, but it’s important to feed them in moderation and make sure they are fresh.

What other nuts and seeds can goats eat apart from acorns?

shelled peanuts

Nuts and seeds are nutrient-rich, offering a variety of vitamins and minerals. For goats, they can be a source of energy, protein, and essential fats. However, not all nuts and seeds are suitable for goat consumption. Let’s explore a selection of common nuts and seeds to determine their appropriateness for our caprine friends.


Peanuts can be a tasty treat for goats and are generally safe in moderation. They provide a good source of protein and healthy fats. However, it’s essential to ensure the peanuts are not salted or coated in any additives. Raw or roasted, unsalted peanuts are the best choice. As with all treats, they should be given in moderation.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Peanuts? Great Benefits In Moderation

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are a popular addition to many goat feed mixes. They are high in healthy fats and can be a good source of vitamin E and other essential nutrients. They can help in enhancing the luster of a goat’s coat. Whole or crushed, sunflower seeds can be given to goats, but always ensure they are free from salt or other seasonings.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Sunflower Seeds? 6 Awesome Benefits


While walnuts are not necessarily toxic to goats, they can be tough for them to digest due to their high tannin content. It’s best to give walnuts in moderation and monitor your goats for any signs of gastrointestinal discomfort. As always, ensure the walnuts are raw and free from any additives or seasonings.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Walnuts? Simple Answer & Feeding Tips


Almonds can be a safe treat for goats when given in moderation. They are nutrient-rich and can provide energy and essential fats. However, just like with other nuts, it’s crucial to ensure the almonds are raw and unsalted. Additionally, as almonds can be a bit pricey, they might be reserved as a special treat rather than a regular dietary item.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Almonds? Yes, In Moderation


Pecans are generally safe for goats in small quantities. They are rich in fats and can provide a good energy source. However, pecans also have a higher tannin content, similar to walnuts. This means they should be given in moderation. As with the other nuts on this list, always choose raw, unsalted pecans for your goats.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Pecans? Simple Answer & Feeding Tips

Can goats eat acorns – final thoughts

So there you have it. Goats can eat acorns without problems as long as they’re given in moderation and alongside other food and water sources.

Large quantities of acorns can be toxic to goats, so ensure they have access to other food and water sources.

As long as you keep these things in mind, your goat can enjoy the occasional acorn treat without any problems.