Can Chickens Eat Sage? 5 Awesome Benefits

Written By Jill Taylor

Hey there, fellow chicken enthusiast! I recently chatted with a friend who is new to raising chickens, and they asked me a fascinating question: can chickens eat sage? It got me thinking about the different herbs and plants that can benefit our feathery friends. So, I decided to research this particular herb and its potential impact on our chickens’ health.

As it turns out, not only can chickens eat sage, but it also provides them with numerous health benefits. Who would have thought that this aromatic herb could be such a game-changer for our flock’s well-being? I couldn’t wait to share my findings with you, as I know how much you care about keeping your chickens healthy and happy.

In this article, we’ll dive into the world of sage and its advantages for our chickens. We’ll explore the benefits of eating sage for chickens, things to watch out for when feeding sage to them, how often they should eat sage, how to prepare it for feeding, and even whether baby chicks can eat sage. So, let’s embark on this sage adventure together and learn how we can improve our chickens’ lives with this fantastic herb!

can chickens eat sage

Can chickens eat sage?

I’ve got some good news for you. Chickens can indeed eat sage. It’s a great addition to their diet. Sage is an aromatic herb with many health benefits for your feathery friends. Plus, it’s a natural and cost-effective way to give them some variety in their meals.


The benefits of eating sage for chickens

Sage is more than just a tasty treat for your chickens. It has several health benefits that help keep your flock in tip-top shape. Let’s chat about some of those benefits.

Natural insect repellent

Sage contains natural oils that help repel insects. So, when your chickens eat sage, it can help protect them from pesky bugs like mites and lice. Say goodbye to itchy chickens!

Antioxidant properties

Sage is packed with antioxidants, which help to strengthen your chickens’ immune system. This means they’ll be better equipped to fight off illnesses and infections. Healthy chickens are happy chickens, right?

Digestive aid

Sage can also help improve your chickens’ digestion. It has been known to soothe upset stomachs and alleviate gas, ensuring your flock is comfortable and well-fed.

Respiratory health

The strong aroma of sage can help clear up respiratory issues in chickens. It’s an excellent way to clear their airways, so they can breathe easily and stay healthy.

Things to watch out for when feeding sage to chickens

fresh sage leaves

While sage is generally safe for chickens to eat, there are a few things you should be aware of before you start adding it to their diet.

Quality control

Be sure to use high-quality, pesticide-free sage. You don’t want to risk exposing your chickens to harmful chemicals. If possible, grow your own sage or purchase organic sage from a trusted source.


As with most things, moderation is key. While sage is beneficial for your chickens, too much of a good thing can be harmful. So make sure to limit the amount of sage you feed them.

Introducing new foods

Chickens can be sensitive to new foods, so it’s important to introduce sage gradually. Start by offering small amounts and increase the portion size over time. This will help your chickens adjust to the new addition to their diet.

How often should chickens eat sage?

You might wonder how often your chickens should be chowing down on sage. Since sage is an herb and not a primary food source, it’s best to consider it a supplement to their regular diet. Offering sage to your chickens once or twice a week should be more than enough to reap the benefits of this aromatic herb.

How to prepare sage for feeding to chickens

chicken rooster

Feeding sage to your chickens is easy-peasy. Here are a few tips on how to prepare it.

Fresh or dried

Chickens can eat both fresh and dried sage. Fresh sage has a stronger aroma and taste, while dried sage can be more convenient and last longer.

Chop it up

It’s a good idea to chop up the sage leaves before feeding them to your chickens. This makes it easier for them to eat and helps to release the natural oils that repel insects.

Mix it in

You can mix chopped sage into your chickens’ regular feed or offer it separately as a treat. Some people even sprinkle sage over their chickens’ bedding to deter insects and keep the coop smelling fresh.

Grow your own

If you’re feeling extra green-thumbed, why not try growing your own sage? This way, you’ll always have a fresh supply on hand, and you can be sure it’s pesticide-free. Plus, it’s a fun and rewarding project! Sage is a hardy plant that grows well in most climates, so give it a go.

Can baby chicks eat sage?

So, what about those adorable baby chicks? Can they enjoy the benefits of sage too? The answer is yes, but with some caution. Baby chicks have sensitive digestive systems, so it’s best to wait until they’re at least a few weeks old before introducing sage.

When you decide to offer sage to your baby chicks, do so in moderation. Just like with adult chickens, it’s important to introduce sage gradually to avoid any digestive upset. Start with small amounts, and watch your chicks to ensure they’re tolerating it well.

What other herbs can chickens eat apart from sage?

fresh mint leaves

Sage is just one of the many herbs that can benefit your chickens. Several other herbs can be a fantastic addition to your flock’s diet, each with unique health benefits. Let’s take a look at five other herbs your chickens can enjoy.


Cilantro, also known as coriander, is another herb that’s great for chickens. This flavorful herb has antioxidant properties that help boost your chickens’ immune system. Additionally, cilantro is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, which can help prevent infections in your flock.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Cilantro? 6 Important Benefits


Basil is a popular herb in many cuisines and is also beneficial for your chickens. It’s packed with vitamins and minerals that support overall health. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce stress and promote respiratory health in your flock. Chickens enjoy the taste of basil, making it a delightful addition to their diet.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Basil? 5 Fantastic Benefits


Parsley is another herb that can be beneficial for your chickens. It’s rich in vitamins A, C, and K and minerals like iron and calcium, which help support strong bones and overall health. Parsley has also been known to improve egg production and increase the vibrancy of egg yolks.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Parsley? 4 Fantastic Benefits


Rosemary is an aromatic herb that’s delicious and good for your chickens. Its strong scent helps repel insects, keeping your flock bug-free. Furthermore, rosemary has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, supporting your chickens’ immune systems and protecting them from infections.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Rosemary? 5 Amazing Benefits


Mint is a refreshing herb that offers several benefits for your chickens. It has a cooling effect, which can be especially helpful in hot weather to keep your chickens comfortable. Thanks to its menthol content, Mint also helps with digestion and respiratory health. Additionally, the strong scent of mint can deter pests like rodents and insects from your chicken coop.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Mint? 5 Amazing Benefits

These five herbs, along with sage, can make a fantastic addition to your chickens’ diet, providing them with essential nutrients and health benefits. So why not try introducing herbs to your flock and watch them thrive?

Can chickens eat sage – final thoughts

In conclusion, the answer to the question “can chickens eat sage?” is a resounding yes! We’ve learned that sage adds a tasty variety to our chickens’ diet and brings many health benefits. From its natural insect-repellent properties to the antioxidants that strengthen their immune system, sage is a fantastic addition to our flock’s menu.

Remember to use high-quality, pesticide-free sage, introduce it gradually to your chickens, and practice moderation to ensure the best results. Don’t forget that baby chicks can enjoy sage too, but only once they’re a few weeks old. With all this sage knowledge under our belts, it’s time to spice up our chickens’ lives and help them thrive with this aromatic herb.

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